Picture: [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/xSTJM8RUYHo/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] Name: Brazmere Granitebrew Age: 103 Gender: Male Appearance: Brazmere is wide as he is tall 3 feet to be precise, broad shoulders from carrying barrels and sure feet to hold him steady whilst doing so. His hair although lacking on his head is white but his beard a mucky grey tone thanks to the tanning from various liquids soaked into it. The facial hair itself is loosely braided but mainly held in place by several tarnished brass rings. His normal attire is a green short sleeved tunic covered by a well worn leather apron. Within the apron a small hammer and assorted tappers Skills and Flaws: Strong - From the collection of hops to brewing and moving the barrels to the bar Brazmere along with his kinsmen they aren't weak and they enjoy to be tested, weight lifting, the stone carry all solidifying them as one of the stronger clans in Thrillem. Iron Guts - Brewing is a fine art but unfortunately there is an off chance something goes wrong. Out of date ingredients, a faulty keg which has lead to Brazmere being able to stomach all manner of foreign things. Brawler - Some people just cant hold there weight and when it kicks off in the tavern Brazmere is often asked to step in and cool things down, lucky for him with shovels for hands its not hard to knock or throw out the unfortunate sod who decided to start it. Greed - Currency is fast moving within the tavern be it for a beer, gambling or odds on the first knock out for Brazmere and the tavern the house always wins. Inebriated - Brazmere is not always sound of mind, there's always a thirst for the next round Goading - Brazmere enjoys to push folks buttons to cause a reaction, good or bad Background: In the early days of Thrillem the Granitebrews were labourers and hard workers. Many other clans possessed the skills to build craft and construct and they would provide the materials. As the halls became grander and trade started they set up a tavern on the mid level called 'The Open Door' as the name suggested available to all. Brazmere is one of 5. He has learnt from his family what it is to be a brewer from start to finish. As a young lad he was behind the scenes aiding in the brewing and cargo to the tavern. Over time becoming a local bar keep and friend to every man (with coin). Braz which he is known for short is a fairly relaxed yet sarcastic dwarf taking most things in his stride however he does enjoy to poke and prod certain locals for his own amusement. He can be assertive when needed especially when a brawl gets out of hand and can handle himself whilst in one too! As traditions go the Granite Bowl held each year testing your physical strength and fortitude is a favourite and for Brazmere comes his competitive streak, last year just beating his cousin in the last round; the boulder toss to bring the trophy back home. This year however he has been inducted into this 'adventure' although nervous he is eager to write another chapter for his families linage. Miscellaneous: I might think of some later Ive written this ahead of if there is room, I hope so and if not an NPc for you :D