Pyrus had been out on his travels when the green light moved across the sky. He and Lobo found themselves sitting on a deserted mesa following another failed search for Blanca's spirit. Pyrus struggled to get a campfire going while the wolf ghost forlornly looked out across the dark expanse. "Lobo, I know I promised you we'd find Blanca eventually, but it's been over a decade. Are you certain her spirit hasn't already passed on?" The young man heard an irritated growl rumbling in Lobo's throat. "Of course. You can still feel her presence, and that's more than enough reason for you to keep searching." After another strike, Pyrus had a small fire burning for warmth. He was about to stretch out on the bedrock when the night sky suddenly lit up in a brilliant green flare! It didn't take long for Pyrus to realize what it meant. "Lobo!" The Native American leapt to his feet as the wolf spirit bounded towards him, "Spirit flame mode!" Lobo's body vanished and a small silver fireball burned in his place. Taking hold of the ball, Pyrus spoke the command he'd practiced for emergencies such as this. "Spirit Unity! Skinwalker!" In a matter of seconds, the ghostly apparition of silver limbs appeared over Pyrus's arms and legs. The silver light extended across his body and covered his eyes in a wolf-like mask. With the oversoul completed, Pyrus turned his head in the direction of the Patch Village. Taking a leap off the mesa, the shaman hit the ground and took off running with a speed that would make an Olympic sprinter green with envy. The next day, Pyrus found himself sitting in a meeting hall with Goldva, the chieftain of the Patch Tribe. Little by little, new shamans began to trickle into the hall; the shamans who were to make up the task force known as the Darkstars. According to Quarta, Pyrus's mentor, the Darkstars came from all over the world and only convened in times of great distress. As this was the first time he'd ever been summoned, Pyrus wondered what event could have caused such a fuss that the Darkstars would be called.