[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7mbh0Yg.png?1[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/dYoOP9Q.png?1[/img][/center] [hr][color=gold]Location:[/color] Isla d'Amato's waters upon the Flamant Royal [hr][color=gold]Interactions:[/color] Trypano [@A Lowly Wretch], Ingrid [@dragonpiece], Amelea, Penny, and Ismet'ych'lahin'dichora [@Force and Fury] [hr] When Desmond looked to Ingrid to see if she was okay. he realized that she had very little clothing. To the point he saw somethings that he did not expect. As Ingrid got up, it took just a quick moment longer than normal for Desmond to stand himself back up. Just a mere second, but to Desmond he was lost in thought, no, more that he had no thoughts. Yet Desmond flickers back to his senses as he rises from his spot as he beginnings to fix himself. His shirt and pants rode up, and his pocket seems…to hold a note. He looked to it as it seemed to have been from Onarr, he winced slightly as he read it, [color=gold][i]'Fucking really? In the middle of this?'[/i][/color] Desmond sighed as he finished adjusting himself and heard Amelea land onto the ship and said the craziest thing of the day. [color=gold][i]'Penny is a royal? Oh fuck, I fucked up hard, shit, I told her to take a risk and go to the Revidians. I thought it would have been okay because they had someone who knew the language very well and they could woo Nerio if need be. Oh fuck, I pray she doesn't hold it against me. Oh I'm fucking dead, when we're out of here I'm dead.[/i][/color] Desomnd had this inner monolouge yet it seemed Penny paid no mind to Desmond and what he did. It was what Amelea said that sparked something, why are you here. Desmond was pulled from his initial thoughts as almost like a trigger word resounded through his mind. [color=gold][i]'Why am I here? I was going to Ersand'Enise to learn magic. Why did I do that? My 'Family' wanted me to. Why did I accept the escorting of Horik by the school? Because I thought it would be interesting and could gain some favor. Why did I go up the tower? I was curious of what the message held. Why did I enter the room of Paradigm? Because I was interested to see what he was calling us for. Why did I accept the quest…'[/i][/color] Desmond could not produce an answer, he had no clue why he was here. He was not offered anything more than the possibility of something here. Desmond breathed out slowly, he knew he couldn't answer, he had no idea what the answer could be why he is here. [color=gold][i]'To do good? I can't really do that anymore, can't right the wrongs I've done. Have some agency? I never had such a thing, and even now I don't. Personal wealth doesn't do much for me, I have as much as I need and want. So why?'[/i][/color]. Desmond had no clue, he had no clue on why he was here, he found himself here yet has no clue what made him even want to do this. Obviously it was a dangerous mission. [color=gold][i]'It does not matter now. It will not matter, you are here, complete the mission, the rest can come later'[/i][/color]. He cleared his mind before they fully started talking. Thinking like that clouds the moment that is most important, the moment you pull the trigger. And at that moment, hesitation leads to you and everyone counting on you to die.