Theodor observed curiously as Casna moved back closer to him. She did not usually do that unless she wanted something. He saw that spark in her eyes, the one which told him she was anticipating something bloody delightful. Literally. “Ah, intruders?” he questioned rhetorically, smirking. After three decades, it merely amused him to remember he’d once been in that self-same position of an ‘unwanted stranger’. He didn’t tell Casna that it was enough for him to know some interlopers had crossed their borders. That fact alone would have him agree to her proposal. Instead, he let her continue her persuasion attempt, small smirk in place. When she stepped right next to him, he subtly shifted so that they were somehow even closer, body leaned towards her – though not as much as a brush of a touch passed between them. He let their breaths mingle, eyes crinkling in pleasure. He did appreciate this devious side of hers. It was quite the boon, especially whenever their goals or desire were fully aligned. Aside from that, cleverness in any form was…attractive. Theodor usually didn’t let himself think of Casna in those terms, because he valued their friendship too highly to muddle it up. Besides, he preferred inconsequential flings with humans. It was much simpler that way. Casna concluded by asking his opinion, rather provocatively so. He let a brief, teasing silence linger, though he was sure his expression was indicative of his approval. “Well. If that is the case,” he grinned, lids lowering. “Shall we?” [center][h3]***[/h3][/center] The two departed under the cover of the night, making do as if they were heading from the manor to the town for early evening socializing. However, when they were in a secluded alleyway, they took to the skies, and flew to the forest. Theodor let Casna lead, since she knew where the trio of poachers had last been. However, soon enough he was able to see and smell them. The humans had built a small campfire, and the smoke made a barely noticeable trail waft upwards. Another human wouldn’t have noticed it, and even with their demonic powers, one had to know where to look – or get lucky, as Casna might have. The pair of undead alighted silently on a high branch on one of the trees. The humans were entirely unaware, chattering among themselves as they warmed their palms by the fire. They had an entire dead deer by them, and a few rabbits. They seemed cheered by their bounty. [i]Not for long.[/i] Theodor descended behind one human, and snapped his neck. Before the remaining two could let out as much as a yelp, he rushed another one. He put a palm to their mouth, and sunk his fangs into their neck. [i]Bliss.[/i] Having torn through the artery, blood sprayed into his mouth, and Theodor drunk deeply. As the human’s heart begun faltering, he had to suck and pull, forcing the last of the sweet, sweet life liquid out of the body. His eyes were closed, and unnoticed, his clawed fingers dug deep gouges into his victim’s face and back. He issued a quiet groaning moan as he finished, and opened his eyes with a long, pleasure filled sigh. He pushed the drained human onto the floor, then sat down cross-legged by the corpse. He turned to wherever Casna was having her meal, and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. His cheeks were flushed the way only feeding could induce in a vampire, but cold rationality was already making a breakthrough in the previous insensate haze of base desire. Nonetheless, he was languid and sated, and did not mind waiting in silence until Casna was done as well.