[b]Nahla![/b] Grace-of-Heaven’s delight shone. That look of admiration, of acceptance, of joy: that will linger with you, Nahla, child of the north. But then she was pulled away to attend to Taima (a flimsy excuse for Taima to get to work seducing the Sultan), and now… Now you have, once again, time to yourself. Time to get ready for Ruz’s inspection of you, and then time to… just exist. Is it difficult, Nahla? Can you handle being alone in the lap of luxury, or do you seek out other members of the harem so that someone has [i]need[/i] of you? And if you can be alone, what do you do? Who are you without someone to please, Nahla? [hr] [b]Soot![/b] Rosethal pulls you into one of the side chambers of the palace, and shoves you up to the couches set up around a table in the middle of the room. As your eyes adjust to the gloom, you realize that you’re not alone in here: there’s at least half a dozen Fire Wheels, playing with knives and bottles of wine as they wait for their game of cards to resume. Their… game of cards. “Here’s my stake,” Rosethal says, grabbing you from behind. “How’s that?” “Yeah,” one of the Fire Wheels says, pushing her hair out of her face as she leers at you. “That’ll do to keep you in the game.” Navigate this very carefully, Soot. [hr] [b]Silsila Om![/b] So when someone mentioned Hai Lin, what they [i]meant[/i] is that Hai Lin is here. And so it is, poor hungover Silsila, you find yourself facing down a dozen Palace Guardsmen, led by their impeccably dressed leader. “Hello, Silsila,” she says. She hasn’t drawn her sword. She doesn’t have to. Make a wrong move and you’ll start a whole fight, one that’s been close to boiling over for a long time. “I’d like to invite you to lunch.” [hr] [b]Birsi![/b] The gag comes out, a wet and suspicious mass, and is slopped down unceremoniously on your feet. An extra bit of incentive to behave. “What are you doing here, sweetie?” Bes takes a seat in front of you, crosses her legs, accepts a glass from one of her sons. “And how did you get in?” “And why didn’t you fight back?” Jekkan adds, watching your reaction carefully. Lie at your own peril— but think carefully before revealing any secrets, either.