Alright, as much as Raynor claimed to be annoyed by this entire assignment, he [i]did[/i] love ships - especially hearing about ones that were practically ideal for Jedi. The description reminded him of his dream ship, the Vector (as mentioned previously). He wished there was a real opportunity to try some of these ships out, take them out for a spin, but he needed to keep a close eye on Jarothe - and dining with him that evening was going to be one of his main chances to get a feel for his character. Plus, Raynor needed to focus in general on the mission - he needed to find proof of Colbol Corp breaking their contract (and his unofficial secondary mission - finding a way to get Shocky her freedom). [color=d86615]"Why wouldn't she have prior knowledge?"[/color] Raynor asked Jarothe, playing dumb. [color=d86615]"Surely you hired your assistant for her skills and knowledge of this field, no?"[/color] he suggested. He was curious to see how Jarothe would play this off - if he would admit to breaking the laws of the Republic and enslaving an innocent person, or if he would lie to a Jedi.