[@Zim0cron] Adjusting his bodice, and calming himself in a well practiced routine, Ember discretely unlocked the door, then peeked outside. The filthy pervert appeared to be 'napping' against the wall, like some common gutter trash street urchin. How revolting-- the filthy cur lingering so around the scene of the crime! and just like that, the fury blossomed in his cheeks again as tiny speckles of fire flittered about him before he restrained himself once more. With a purposeful gesture, he waved his wand at the door, causing it to lock up tight behind him, then intensely strode in the opposing direction. There was a cacophony of blaring trumpets and a loud, obnoxious sounding voice from above-deck, but he was too irate to care to investigate. Storming past the other cabins, he stopped mid-stride, as he detected 'unsteady' and poorly controlled magic emminating from one of the rooms. Discretely, he craned his head to one side and listened intently. There was a quiet, adorably lispy voice trying very earnestly to pronounce a verbal incantation that made entirely excessive use of a strongly voiced "S" consonant, which she was having great difficulty with. Ember was familiar with the spell; it produced a nice ambient glow of magically simulated sunlight. "Lux Solis". The practitioner was having a particularly difficult time with both the X in Lux, and the S in Solis, the slight lisp in the clearly young female voice causing all manner of mispronunciation, and making the spell fire incorrectly, over and over again. It brought him back to his early university days. While not the "Preferred" torture test for incantation study testing, he could see how the praxagraphical department head could torture this poor child with it. His heart had a momentary pang of sympathy, and without realizing it, he found himself knocking on the door. Abruptly, the repeatedly failed incantations stopped, and a timid "Who's there?!" came from within. He felt particularly wounded by the sound of the frightened voice, especially given the... very unpleasant... experience he had just endured himself just moments before, however, he became more emboldened by the notion that this clearly vulnerable young magician might fall prey to such an advanced prowler-- a thing he most assuredly wished to prevent. "I apologize for the intrusion love, but do you need assistance? I can perhaps, show you a [i]different[/i] way to work that magic dahling-- If you're interested?" The magic was not particularly complicated, but was more abstract in its workings (Despite the 'highly literal' verbal component), and less direct in its mode of operation like most other rudimentary skills were. The selection suggested a student with a penchant for more difficult subject matter, and that enticed Ember. He DID so love young hotties.