[CENTER][h2][color=00a99d]Cascade[/color][/h2][/CENTER] Upon seeing a highwayman she met earlier, she greets him happily, "[color=00a99d]Oh! Howzit![/color]" She listens to him, and she looks surprised, before a wider and happier smile can be seen on her face, "[color=00a99d]Really?! He's here?! Really?! Oh, Mahalo Nui! I better go right away! Thank you![/color]" She also whispers a Thank you to Deep Sashelas as well. She couldn't believe her luck! Like a great white shark drawn to blood, she proceeds to [i]sprint[/i] through the grounds towards the feasting area. As she sprints, she could be heard calling out, "[color=00a99d]Jøøøøøøøøøørmuuuuuuuuuund Haaaaaaaammeeeeeeerfiiiiiiist!!![/color]" Jørmund could practically hear her voice from a distance and her voice just drawing closer and closer until finally she appears in the feasting tent. Panting heavily she looks around for the man with hammers for fists.