//Planet: New Welshland //Designation: Imperial World //Governor: Uchelgais Tywyll (Contested) //Status: Civil War [hr] "While I appreciate any support at this time, I admit I am a little... confused. I was under the impression that the second legion was sending forces to assist us." Governor Tywll offered as respectfully as a governor who's rather tedious situation meant that insulting or dismissing any ally that presented itself with troops and and equipment simply wasn't an option, even if they weren't the reinforcements you were expecting or hoping for. For his part, Audi kept a professional face on as he stood on the other side of the Governor's rather expensive desk. As the highest ranked commander of the Imperial army forces that had been deployed to New Welshland, protocol demanded that he met with the rather... inflated Governor of the planet. Despite the respectful tone that Tywll was using, Audi had to admit that the Governor rubbed him the wrong way; The planet was actively in the middle of a rather brutal civil war with a separatist faction with tens of thousands wounded and dying each day with shortages of food, water and supplies on just about every part of the planet... and yet the Governor still maintained at least three chins and a small team of slaves in order to assist him in getting his bulbous body to his feet from a sitting position. Then again, he did generally distrust anyone in a position of authority who was obese enough that if he ran a sword into their stomach all the way to the hilt, there was a chance he wouldn't hit anything vital. "Yes, to my understanding the original plan was for a company of Night Watch to arrive but they've been delayed. There are a number of other rebellions in progress in this region of the Imperium and they've been required to deploy elsewhere... However, since they did not wish to abandon the people of New Welshland to current conditions, they have sent myself and my forces in their stead to try and stabilize the situation." Audi couldn't help but notice the expressions that surfaced on the Governor's fat, disgusting face. There was a brief expression that reminded him on a small child about to throw a tantrum because they weren't the center of everyone else's universe, but it seemed that whatever political skills Tywll had gathered over the course of his life kicked in to stop him from saying or doing something stupid. "Well... there are worse things then getting an army of fresh, veteran troops. If you'll report to my high commander they'll be able to best position your forc-" "I believe-" Audi interrupted, his face still professionally blank but some small degree of pleasure at seeing the Governor look annoyed at being cut off "-that there has been a slight misunderstanding. My forces are not here to fight your civil war or take orders from you." There was a brief moment of silence, broken by Governor Tywll looking livid as he said "Excuse me?" Pulling out a copy of the orders that had been sent to him from the Primarch of the Night Watch, Micholi himself, Audi offered it to Tywll so that the man could read it with his own eyes. "We have been sent here on a humanitarian mission. Our job is to secure key utilities like water and the power grid while offering those displaced by the conflict shelter and medical aid. To that end, I am not apart of the local chain of command and thus receive my orders directly from my superiors in the second legion." The livid expression deepened on Tywll's face as he glared at the letter, then at Audi himself. "Why?" Audi for his part let out a put upon sigh that he had long practiced. "My superiors believe that by presenting the Imperium as a neutral but benevolent entity in this conflict, anti-imperial sentiments will fade away while providing citizens caught in the crossfire somewhere to go to for safety that doesn't require them actively joining a side in the conflict. Personally I feel that there are faster ways to resolve a conflict like this, but orders are orders. If nothing else, our presence will mean that you don't have to garrison forces in those regions." The Governor still looked somewhat heated... though that could also have easily been just his natural level of warmth since he had been a rather sweaty mess when Audi had entered the office, but it seemed his little performance had unruffled some feathers. "I see... A little round about for my tastes, but help [i]is[/i] help I suppose. However, since everything is in order, unless you have anything else to say I think we will end this meeting here. You no doubt have preparations to make and I... well, I believe it's time for lunch."