Lore: Its been nearly ten years since The Justice League disbanded, followed by The Titans and Young Justice the need for hero teams had long since passed, and the kids of the world's greatest heroes are taking their place as The Earth protectors. Though the world was in a much safer place the shadows of the past seem to be raising once more. Old foes are giving one final attempt to enact plans, then there's always the looming threat of Darkseid and his allies being after the anti-life equation. A weapon he believes is on earth and with Superman and the other members of The League Retired perhaps now is the time for conquest, perhaps it's time for a new league, a new team of titans, and a new generation of heroism.[/color] Rules: Write at least four sentences. You can be either a original character, a child of a superhero/villain, or one of the canon supers Your character has to be older than 14 I will think of some more as I make the real post