[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/c7wpmDk.png[/img] Location: Midnight Tournament [@AtomicNut][@Letter Bee][@Dezuel][@KillamriX88][/center] "[color=7ea7d8]I am NOT your baby![/color]" Michael shouted indignantly at Mina, already getting fed up with this situation. It was already bad enough that she knocked him out in the first place. At the mention of whatever this was had something to do with Vera, Michael turned to the pink-haired girl. "[color=7ea7d8]Do I even want to know what she meant by that?[/color]" Michael asked Vera. Turning to Suzakura, he pointed at him and said, "[color=7ea7d8]I'm not even going to ask what you meant by that; I already know I don't want to know.[/color]" It was the last straw for Michael once Mina took away the paintbrush Erisse was trying to gift him. Now angered beyond belief, he slapped away the apple Mina was trying to feed him, then clapped his palms together like a monk. A large amount of ink proceeded to leak out of his skin, much of it dripping down onto the ground and forming a puddle. As the puddle formed, the ink also crawled up Mina's body in thick tendrils, forming thick chains and shackles around her arms and legs that began to pull down into the puddle. At the same time, the ink flowed from Michael's body and the puddle onto Mina's and proceeded to form a pattern of a net around Mina. On Mina's forehead would be a picture of a cow skull. This combination of imagery would force Mina down to the ground, unable to gather her strength while weighed down by the strength of his art, while Michael would proceed to climb his way out of the cloth carrier Mina had tied him into. He wasn't very gentle either, often stepping onto Mina in his struggles. Once he was finally free, he would also take back the Mithril Paintbrush from Mina. He sighed in exhaustion. The maneuver took some effort to create, but he still had some fuel in the tank, certainly more than enough to take on his next opponent. Turning to Erisse, Michael said, "[color=7ea7d8]Thank you for this, Erisse. I'll put it to good use.[/color]"