[@wierdw] The flow of information caused Viviana to lean back slightly, allowing her to brace and absorb as much as possible. Everything they were saying made so much sense, and yet had not been considered. The way she had always been taught, handed down by high mages with millennia of experience between them, had always felt correct, if a little too rigid for her liking. There was sure to be value in integrating this approach and thought process with her current techniques. Perhaps the examiners would be impressed. "Do you mind if I try out a spell, using your method?" Her voice flowed with hope and a desire to practice, to put into action what she was being taught. She was nothing if not an excellent student. After receiving approval she straightened up, closed her eyes, laced what fingers she could, and took in a deep breath. [i]Intent, it is all about intent...[/i] Upon splitting her hands, an orb of incredible luminosity appeared in her hands. She remained focused on it, its rays pulsating out and filling the room. In those few moments she felt a new sense of power, a feeling that consumed her, a shift that would forever change her mind. In an instant, however, she opened her eyes and the orb evaporated. After a stunned few seconds, taking in what she had done, she looked to her teacher and squealed. "OH WOW! That was incredible! Thank you for teaching me this!" Her excitement was so great she even did a little hop, beside herself with glee.