[quote=@Dead Cruiser] Mostly right now I don't feel like I have anything for Terra to do. Right now, given that's what everyone else is doing, Terra would be most likely to sit and wait for the Beyonder with America. I was going to have her try and smash up the ship, but that would now ruin the plan of turning the robots against the Beyonder. Regardless it seems like we're still just waiting for the "real" battle to start. If you do happen to move the battle, I have an idea I think you'd like. [/quote] I don't think I ever mentioned a plan to turn the robots against the Beyonder, but regardless, it's probably a good idea that Terra doesn't smash up the ship before everyone escapes because then she would doom anyone who can't breathe in space to a quick demise. Also, I never mentioned "sitting and waiting" for the Beyonder, rather, America said the Sentinels would ferry her to him once she revealed herself as the Traveler. And I thought you said you were going to have Terra run to the bridge? I figured she'd be there when the Inquisitor beams aboard. It seems like some people were upset when I was trying to guide the story down a semi-linear path, but then when I, in response to that, back off and let everyone choose their own path, people don't know what to do and feel like they have nothing to post, lol. So, I ask a straight-forward question: Moving forward, how do you all want me to GM this? I have many ideas I can incorporate into a semi-linear group narrative, but I need everyone onboard with that approach in order for me to GM the RP that way. Thoughts?