Ember found it hard to contain his beaming smiles. She really *WAS* a young hottie. "Be careful now dahling-- take it slow, but by all means, DO enjoy yourself from now on..." Suddenly, a brassy "--This is utterly UNACCEPTABLE!--" made it in through the closed door, and ember's smile turned to a rosebud tight circle of a pouty frown, bristling with consternation. He KNEW the kind of ... 'gentleman'.. that produced such tones and utterances. And he did not like it one bit. Vivian seemed to pick up on the sudden change, and listened intently at the door. ---"I want to speak to the captain IMMEDIATELY! This will NOT go unaddressed!" ... ... -------"You are mad if you think I'd ever step foot on this horrid piece of wood again! A 'discount' will absolutely NOT do! I demand FULL reimbursement of my ticket, in addition to a formal apology!" Ember's lips flattened only somewhat into a tight line as his eyes became a bit fiery. Vivian's opened up like pieplates in stunned horror. "A truly dreadful man, wouldn't you say dahling?" ember muttered irritably. The girl's eyes just met his in stunned silence. In a flash, the frumpy, irritable expression on his face gave way to a wicked smile and sparkling eyes. "Hmmm.... Would you like a demonstration in some truly [i]Advanced[/i] use of the art, dahling?" He leaned in with a naughty air. "We could teach that man a much needed lesson in humility."