Some time after he left Australia Jarrah arrived in America and headed for the land of the Patch. While he walked as much as possible because it was Gaiya's preferred way of traveling, even letting Coen take over his body during more dangerous parts he also hitchhiked. Not having a lot of money he entertained whoever gave him a ride with stories and boomerang tricks. In towns in order to buy food and such he would act as a street performer/storyteller. Sometimes he would bet that he could pull off literally impossible tricks using his Coen possessed boomerang, but never for large amounts of money. Traveling this way Jarrah eventually arrived at the land of the Patch, slightly richer than when he arrived in America. At first he didn't know if he had met up with the right native Americans but after confirming that most of them could see his ghosts he was sure of it. He walked up to a random Patch member and explained his situation. "Could you tell me how to find the person that created the green light a while back?"