[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/hIyQUkG.jpg[/img][/center] Time passed as all things did and soon the group would have to come to a consensus and a decision. They seemed in agreement on their course of action overall, choosing to split up and cover more ground that way. Then there was that little snippet of conversation near the bar. Rean perked from those gathered words, noting how interesting that probably sounded. Imperial involvement? Surely there had to be something more to it than just that? But that ultimately wasn’t her concern and she figured if it was important, someone else could pick up on it. Someone who was, preferably, exploring out of the city and into that matter of disappeared soldiers. [color=sandybrown]“Alright gang, as fun as it’s been for one big happy reunion, we really should get to work. I’m more than happy to stick around the city and look for information, especially around that huge library I spied on the way in. I wouldn’t be much use adventuring anyway,”[/color] Rean told the other Envoys. Lurched from her seat, she gave a healthy stretch before striding towards the tavern door. [color=sandybrown]“Say, think we should use this place as our meetup? Would make sense since we all know where it is, hmm….food for thought~”[/color] She departed with a wave. It was far past evening by the time she exited and with it came the human, aching reminder that she still needed some form of rest. Envoy or not, there was little use continuing if her body turned vessel collapsed. Spotting a place to do just that, she’d rest for the remainder of the night and head for her destination the following day. She had little worry about being separated from her fellow Envoys; even apart, they were together in sense and purpose. At least, she liked to believe that. Off she went towards her library, said to be one of the largest in all of Coris. A scholar by heart and book handler by profession, it only made sense the Envoy would figure that was to be the best start in finding any clue. And, of course, she couldn’t help but compare just how Coris stacked up to her family’s own librarians and stores. The thought was giddy in her head even as she passed by the many temples erected in worship of the gods. Rean noticed several in display but, tellingly, none for the less favorable gods. Like herself. [color=sandybrown]“Since when did I become such a bad guy?”[/color] she chuckled, finding little to no reference to Reemis in the public worship. Oh well. Soon, soon, soon enough there was time to spread the name of true Vengeance to the good people of the mortal realm. But for now…ah yes, the library. She’d heard the building was owned by a Lord Dunham, one so very protective of his scrolls and knowledge. Indeed, even as she spotted the library’s entrance, she found it guarded from the outside by men in official-looking clothing. [color=sandybrown]“What exactly is the point of having such a big place in daylight if no one can approach it?”[/color] she muttered with a sigh, real annoyance flicking over her features for once. She needed another way around. Or a plan to just break in. Rean spotted a water fountain nearby among the outcrop of buildings, deigning to sit on the edge of it and ponder in thought. She couldn’t just brute force her way and cause a scene like Vyandar could she? No no, that was a fool’s mistake. Maybe she could swiftalk the guards? Maybe. In hindsight, she realized the real mistake was leaving the group first without checking if anyone wanted to follow. Oh, the irony. [color=sandybrown]“Ahaah, some teamwork we have….”[/color] [hr]