"Hi there! This is [url=https://imgur.com/thtaoj6]Annabell[/url] with my weekly vlog." Sometime last autumn, a certain magical girl had decided to start posting videos over Glimmr. "As promised, I'll start by telling you what the magic card I got yesterday is..." At first they were simple 5-second gag videos, but in time, they developed into entire streams where she would share experiences about her magical life in Bolorton, a quaint little farming town. "...That movie was pretty okay. I liked the main character and the whole story revolving around her past and stuff..." As a veteran magical girl who possessed both Wood and Light specialties, she might have been over-qualified for a place as devoid of action as Bolorton. "...I've never seen a goblin fly so far. It hit McDonald's barn and woke him up. Luckily I scared it away before he got out in his jammies, toting that o'l shotgun of his~" But it was her hometown, and she loved it. "It's a beautiful day today, as you can see. Not a single person is out today...That's kind of weird." Even that day, she was filming the sleepy little town. "Oh well, I guess today just happens to be more quiet than usual." But on that day, everything would change for Annabell. And life as she knew it would end. "Anyway, I happened to find these cute earrings over at the garage sale and-" The screen shook as a loud noise boomed nearby, causing her to drop the earrings. "What was that? A bomb? Did those goblins bring bombs again?" The screen shook again. Smoke could be seen rising from far in the background. Annabell grabbed the camera and aimed it around, causing the feed to become blurry. "Oh no...This can't be happening!" The camera happened to aim towards the fields, where some kind of movement could be glimpsed. "Hey, what are you doing-" The camera suddenly broke, ending the livestream. And the person on the other side, Lily, jumped out of her sofa, and ran over to Alex. [color=fff200]”Alex, we gotta help Annabell! Her Monthly Anime Reviews have always been gold!"[/color] She blurted out, only to blush. [color=fff200]”-And her town's in danger, can't forget that!"[/color] She ran out, having already chanted her incantation as she stepped outside. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/72bEcUi.png[/img][/center] She got on her motorcycle with Alex, only to smack herself on the forehead. [color=fff200]”Rats, I forgot! Bolorton's super far away! Even with my bike, it's gonna take an hour! Maybe I could text Mariette to give us a portal..."[/color] She took out her phone, and wrote a quick text message to the girl, as well as any other magical girls she had on her contacts. [color=fff200][i][baddies in bolorton, need portal, meet ya at penrose park <(`^´)>][/i][/color] Then she turned to Alex. [color=fff200]"Any other ideas in case that doesn't work?"[/color] [hr] At Beacon HQ in Penrose, the news of the livestream also quickly spread around the members, and they reached Alicia and Kimble as they were in the rec room. The bringer of the news was Hudie, one of the Ascendancy officers. "Did you see the video, Paladin Seraph? Apparently Bolorton's getting attacked by something so big even the resident guardian was alarmed. We're planning to send a team there to check up on it just in case," she stated. Kimble turned to Alicia. "What should we do, Alicia? I know it's not really our place to handle other town's problems..."