On Alignment; 5e doesn’t do hard and fast, I chose lawful good because if she has a choice she’ll follow rules and do the ‘right thing’ by her perception, there’s no point in digging more specifically as far as 5e really needs. It becomes an argument for most people. All I need from alignment personally is a general indicator; I expect Brut to be cruel and selfish, I expect Jub to just be selfish (whether to the point of ruin or otherwise; I don’t have a stigma against Chaotic Neutral like a lot of folks do), neutral good I see as the ‘normal adventurer’; go with your gut, etc. It’s just a vague indicator rather than the oldschool cosmic war that I know and love. Zavakri is truly not for gunning down fleeing people, it’s not her vibe; if Boss said I could non-lethal a spell it’d be different, but if they’re fleeing beyond my range/I can’t do nonlethal then my only choice left is to let them go from my charrie’s PoV. [@rush99999] all my memery aside, our folks may truly butt heads sooner or later; I’m just clearing the air and saying I’m quite alright with whatever needing to happen happening. I didn’t want to butt heads IC more than we have without saying my boundary/asking what yours was for cohesive gameplay.