[quote=@Dusty] I dunno how active I can be, but I really enjoy thinking up little nation states, so I figured I'd join in the fun. I'll do my best to participate regularly. [hider=Conquerdia-Vinlac] [center] [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1777210279273135236/98A4D15618B1550CFD48F548094EDF9A102AB087/?imw=637&imh=358&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=true[/img] [h3]The Dual Monarchy of Conquerdia-Vinlac[/h3] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/552698567689633813/989982560576741476/Offical_Borders_of_Dual_Monarchy.png[/img] [/center] [i][b]Government:[/b][/i] Constitutional Monarchy [b][i]Demographics & Population:[/i][/b] The Dual Monarchy is populated by majority human, and Vinnish speaking peoples. The Royal ledger has determined there are in excess of six million Vinnic people, most of whom are rural farmers or herdsmen, poor and greatly stratified from the Vinlac nobility whom they serve as serfs. In recent years, to match the rapid industrialization of Conquerdia there has been a urbanization of the population, leading to a decline in agricultural production, and hard times for the average Vinnic, who often have the appearance of exhaustion and hunger. They are small on average, with dark hair and blue eyes, and pale yet sun touched skin. These people are the descendants of the natives of Vinlac, and have always lived on the archipelago. They live mostly in the great swaths of hill and grasslands on farms and in small communities. There are only three proper cities in Vinlac, with the vast majority of the population being rural, but this is quickly changing. The second largest population are the colonial Jervan, however since gaining their independence from their home Empire they have taken on the name given to them by the native Vinlac, as the Conquerors, or Conquerians. There are a few more than a million Conquerians, and they mostly populate the urbanized coastline near the bay of Landin. These hardy and industrious people hold outsized power over the governance of the Dual Monarchy, and have a dominate control over the trade of manarite making even the common man exceedingly wealthy. It is said they breed like rabbits, and fight like lions, and work like bees. In the short hundred years since their colonization began, they have quadrupled in population, won a war of independence, and conquered the Vinlac kingdom, unifying it into their sphere. On average they are tall, with light hair, almost white, and bright eyes and have a general distaste of anything non-human. Pushing almost all alien creatures from the borders of the Dual Monarchy with the exception of the Eurokin. The final population of note residing in the snowy peaks of Eurokon Mountains are a mysterious tribal people, known as the Eurokin. They are a large species, with a mostly humanoid shape, but with razor sharp tusks like a boar, and no discernable ears and covered in a thick layer of shaggy grey-white hair. They are an aggressive, but practical bunch, and the best Conquerdian estimates suggest there are roughly one hundred thousand, to three hundred thousand of them living on the icy peaks of the Eurokons. They prefer the cold and rarely stray down from their high villages during the summer months, but during the fall and winter war bands will gather and reave and ravage all the lowlands beneath their mountains. Their fearsome shamanistic magics render defenses worthless, and their massacres know no mercy. The Conquerdians at first attempted to remove them as a threat, but soon discovered that the Eurokin were as permanent and difficult to eliminate as their mountain home. Instead the Conquerdians discovered a system of payment the Eurokin's would accept, and eventually accrued good standing amongst the Eurokin, utilizing the savages martial prowess to aid in their own conquests. Yearly tribute is required, tribute the Conquerdians are more than happy to pay to preserve the Conquerdian-Vinlac integrity. Eurokin warbands instead descend from their mountains and ravage the south and westlands beyond the Dual Monarchy’s borders, before turning north to Laun-vac in the spring to sell off their spoils, and then depart back to their home, in a bloody, yet profitable yearly cycle. [i][b]Governance & Politics:[/b][/i] The Dual Monarchy of Conquerdia-Vinlac, better known as the Dual Monarchy, is a political joining of two separate kingdoms, tied together in a personal union, of which Conquerdia is the senior partner. Several other autonomous territories and governments reside within the Dual Monarchy, such as the Free City of Laun-vac, the Tribes of Eurokin Peaks, and the Duchy of Parlov, however these states defer foreign policy and war to the Dual Monarchy, with the exception of the Eurokin who do as they will. The King in New Landinburg, (the royal capital of Conquerdia) is the first amongst equals, alongside the King of Vinlac and the Duchess of Parlov. The Monarchs govern executively in accordance to the Landinstag, a assembly of nobles elected to legislate law for both kingdoms and handle both foreign and domestic affairs. There are fifty seats for Conquerdia, thirty for Vinlac, ten for Parlov, and five for Laun-vac. The Landinstag is heavily favored to the nobility of Conquerdia, and in recent years the power of this governing body has grown considerably, as both kings offer greater influence to the governing body for their continued support. Many whispers suggest that the true power in the realm rests in the hands of the Mayor of the House, the elected head of the Landinstag. [i][b]Magic & Technology:[/b][/i] The Conquerdians have never been a magically inclined people, they have long since let their mystical traditions slip away. Those few who still possess the skills and knowledge use it for performance art, or tinkering in the scientific fields. They make up for this loss through industrialization and technological ascendency. They are most well known for their efficient machinery, long range artillery, and rapid production and development. Simple electricity and running water flow through most Conquerdian homes, placing them in stark contrast to the average Vinnic who has trouble even warming their homes during the long harsh winters. The introduction of the steam engine has led to an even greater disparity, as goods could now be shipped by rail and ship, leaving the roads that once cut through Vinlac towns even less used. By contrast the Vinnic people utilize a semi-religious magic that focuses on changes in pressure and temperature, a potentially powerful but ultimately underutilized system. Their colleges are tightly regulated, with nobility clergy often the only ones permitted to learn the ancient arts. Fears of revolt, and peasant uprisings being foremost on the minds of the aristocracy should the serfs be taught en masse. Finally, the Eurokin, the savage brutes have barely advanced past the iron age, but their powerful and costly blood magic make them formidable. Often preluded by chanting, sacrifices, and dancing the Eurokin can unleash unholy carnage upon their enemies in the form of natural disasters, explosions, and disease often at the cost of their own berserker shamans. [b][i]Military Overview:[/i][/b] The Dual Monarchy’s military is of middling power, with wide disparities in its capability. The bulk of its ground forces are made up of poorly trained Vinnic conscripts, usually under the command of noble officers who vary wildly in quality. Several regiments of professional soldiers of Conquerdian formation exist, well supplied, and equipped but they rarely see action in preference for the expendable Vinnic units. During the winter months Eurokin mercenaries become available, proving to be invaluable raiding and special operation units, excelling at ambush and guerilla warfare. The typical method of war is heavy bombardment followed by mass infantry and armored advances in small but steady pushes. The real power of the Dual Monarchy rests in their air and sea corps. A powerful, well-equipped navy and with several marine battalions defend Conquerdia’s lucrative trade routes, whilst her airborne skyships and fightercraft guard the vast skies. Coastal raiding, and economic bombardment has not failed the Dual Monarchy yet, as they prefer to bleed their foes dry rather than achieve quick battlefield victories. [i][b]Historical Foundation:[/b][/i] Historically Conquerdia was founded as an economic colony of Jervan under the governorship of the Emperor’s tenth son. Domestic affairs saw the Empire collapse shortly after the colony’s founding, which led to significant growth, as refugees fled the mainland seeking a new life on the distant archipelago. Following continued separation from the remnants of the Jervan Empire the Emperor’s Grandson, now ruler of the colony declared independence, and after a short war crowned himself King of Conquerdia. The proceeding decades bore witness to several wars of conquest against Conquerdia’s neighbors, which eventually saw the King’s children seated on the thrones of Vinlac, and Parlov ruling over the native Vinnish people. After the King’s death the three crowns formed a personal union, with Conquerdia being first, Vinlac being secondary, and Parlov being third in royal influence. Thus the Dual Monarchy was born. [b][i]Notes of Interest: (WIP)[/i][/b] The Duchy of Parlov, is a separate entity from the Vinlac Kingdom, and holds autonomy over the Parlov Peninsula. The region is of high religious importance for the Vinnic people, and shall always be ruled by a female priestess, known as the Duchess of Parlov who as of now is part of the Conquerdian royal family. The City of Parlov holds the magical colleges, where magically talented nobility and clergy alike travel to learn the mystic arts. The Vinnish religion, the Faith of the Northern Winds has been largely adopted by Conquerdians, and assimilated into their culture, a necessary step for pacifying the Vinnic people, and a further separation from their paganist roots as Jervans. The Royal Banner is the official symbol of the United Dual Monarchy. It is a split orange and blue field, with the seal of the royal family emblazoned in the center. Later, the crimson cross, the symbol of the Faith of the Northern Winds was added to symbolize the Duchy of Parlov, outlined in white in a presentation of the Dual Monarchy's unity. The separate Kingdoms individually fly the standard of their Monarchy, a blue field and Royal seal of the lion for Conquerdia, a Orange field and Royal seal of the rose for Vinlac, and a Red cross on a black field with a green star for Parlov. [/hider] [/quote] Hey, I had that land claimed in the interest check - is there any way I could convince you to part with it? Specifically this sheet. [hider=The People of the Darkling Womb]Name of your Nation: The Drow Confederacy/self-named People of the Darkling Womb [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/775243446699950111/965635221309517935/holdtthis.png[/img] Type of Government: Tribal Confederacy Demographics & Population: Approximately 5 million. Governance & Politics: The People of the Darkling Womb, though a technical Confederacy, can barely be called a unified people. Individual tribes and clans are governed in various ways - some by force, some by gerontocracy, some of the most ‘modern’ by classical monarchy, and others by vote. The confederacy is merely a loosely formal way for these tribes and communities to cooperate, meeting in a central, neutral location; a sanctuary nestled into the Earthen Womb, the large, towering mountain range near the western edge of their homeland. Deep within this sanctuary is an enormous pillar of a highly concentrated form of what the Darklings call the 'blood of the gods' (known elsewhere as manarite), running far deeper within the ground than even the Darklings have gone, holding enormous religious significance to most tribes. It is, however, incredibly dangerous to be around to all but the most powerful mages or the most physically resilient people. Culture & Society: Contrary to popular belief in the human nation-states, the Dark Elves (or the People of the Darkling Womb, as they commonly refer to themselves), adamantly believe that elvenkind is the 'race' which others descend from, including themselves. Their race, they argue, descends from the pale-skinned stock adapted to the underground with darkened skin to better camouflage themselves in poorly-lit places, a wild difference from the ways in which some elves adopt other drastic changes to adapt to their environments - often in ways that humans cannot. This is not to say that they believe elves to be inherently superior, however, but rather stands as an example of how their culture, absent human influence, has developed along fundamental lines that are not generally compatible with assimilation into human society. Another is the relatively different nature of gender roles in Darkling society. The Darkling Kin, perhaps due to the unusual environment in which their civilization emerged, developed to be highly sexually flexible due to extremely high death rates (that often were just as high at the home as they were away from it), resulting in the unusually high prevalence of offspring-viable intersex people, and the cultural expectation that anyone, regardless of their biological sex, was expected to be highly fit and capable of fighting. Darkling mastery over magic has since reduced many of these pressures, as has the introduction of foreign agricultural techniques, but the cultural expectation of violence and flexible gender roles has not abated, remaining strong even in the presence of influence considered highly unusual to the Darkling people. Magic, likewise, has enormous cultural influence in the Darkling people, and ability to use it, while not the sole determinant of one's status, is a major contributor. Magic has both an enormous spiritual significance to the Darkling people (due to its necessity for contacting the extraplanar beings the Darkling communicate with and occasionally work alongside, particularly daemons and the divinities they serve) and necessary practical utility. It is, after all, incredibly difficult to survive beneath the earth without access to magic, and, in many ways, the Darklings' access to magic without the use of manarite technology is what allows them to survive being fully colonized. The foreigners may be communicated with, but they are nonetheless viewed with careful caution, as a general rule. Magic & Technology: Unlike societies that rely on the industrial exploitation of manarite for their magic, the Darklings rely on it in another way entirely - exposure. Highly resilient to manarite mutation as a result of millennia of proximity to it, the Darkling are a generally highly magically adept people, though their unwillingness to cannibalize a substance they view with such immense reverence, and their until-recently lack of access to easily proliferating agricultural crops (not to mention the simple fact that they mostly live underground) has resulted in very low levels of industrial development compared to the countries colonizing their home archipelago. Many types of livestock of beasts of burden that allowed these civilizations to proliferate mass agriculture, also, simply didn’t exist until they were introduced, and many of those that have been introduced (such as horses) are utterly unsuitable for life in massive underground caverns. What the Darklings have, though, are several sources of potent magic, both that from within and without; that is to say, through spiritual means. This magic, in fact, has been a prime factor in keeping their lands safe from encroachment, causing casualties in conflicts with colonial powers that make their home even less desirable, though it nonetheless posesses enormous resources of lumber and valuable minerals, not to mention an extensive network of underground tunnels to expedite transport. Military Overview: Although a warrior culture in many respects, until skirmishes and battles with the Viceroyalty of Veliký Zelená (which have since ceased), the Darkling tribes, for the most part, had nothing resembling a formal military, instead relying on loose bands of warriors to resolve conflicts when words could not. Since contact with colonizers, however, a handful of bands have seen fit to adopt relatively modern military arrangements, complete with regiments and formal officer training. Most, however, still rely on nomadic bands, forced to constantly move through the places beneath the earth to avoid threats and follow sources of food, lacking the ability to establish permanent places for training. Additional Info: (Miscellaneous information that don't really fit in any category.) [/hider]