Sofia was elated that they'd managed to save Alice, the werewolf so stunned by their rescue that she was left speechles- [color=ed1c24][b]"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?"[/b][/color] she screamed, hands twitching as she held them by her face, before diving into the muck to try and fish her arisen friend from the swamp's clutches. She'd fish his bones up, along with his busted skull, swimming to shore with them in tow and laying him out. Alice looked ready to cry, leading to Sofia growing even paler. [color=silver][b]"B-Brandy...I believe...I may have made a very grave error here..."[/b][/color] Alice resisted the still-growing temptation to snap open a bone and slurp up some marrow, instead aligning Phillip Chesterwood's corpse as if he'd died lying down, sniffling as she said: [color=ed1c24][b]"You had the most gorgeous bones I ever saw, Phillip..."[/b][/color] She was crying...but also drooling. With them close enough to the island that Sofia didn't need to worry about sinking, she would get out of Brandy's arms and run to Alice's side. [color=silver][b]"Was he friendly!?"[/b][/color] she asked, worried that they just murdered someone. [color=ed1c24][b]"He was a gentlemaaaaaaan!"[/b][/color] Alice sobbed. If Phillip wasn't dead, now might be a good time to speak up. Of course, if he was dead, dude, wow, rude, Alice is having a whole moment here.