[center][img]https://images2.imgbox.com/fb/8a/tSpumbUH_o.png[/img][/center] [hr] It was chaos. Creatures clad in hides and metal killing one another in a hectic fervor of violence. At least in the swamps the killing made sense. Something would die to nourish those who fed on death so that they too may die and continue the cycle. Out here in these strange forests, far from a true swamp in any degree, these creatures weren't even trying to eat one another. They were maddened and fought simply to fight. What the man beasts she was told to protect were doing was well and beyond her. Then came the sharp stone shooters. They used wooden tools to launch their stones very fast, stones mounted on sticks to make them easier to hold and made sharp. Things were getting dangerous and she was quite uncomfortable with how close they were killing people near her. Then came the one-legged woman who moved about the trees on strange silk made of clinking metal, killing many archers and whoever else was in her way as she raged across the path ahead. Not wanting to be caught by more of these flanking rock shooters she stopped her song and hunkered low. Pulling the nearby shadows unto her as one might a cloak she fed upon the light to keep within the dark shadows of the ever growing canopy which had become far denser from the energy she had spent thus far. With the dark clouds swallowing the moonlight and the dense canopy blocking out what little light might of been able to escape these woods had become pitch black. Only the fires illuminated their immediate area, all else bathed in darkness. Aside from subtly moving within shadows that were twisted to hide her dark form as she skulked like a salamander through the underbrush she also made sure to conceal her scent, using her cloak to break through the puddles of paralysap while pulling mud onto herself to mask her scent. Her magic use was minimal but effective while she employed all other techniques available to her, learned from a lifetime existing within the deep swamps back home. The beasts of her homeland had many senses designed to help hunt their prey, senses honed over their entire existence to serve that very purpose. They could not catch her and neither could these slow, unobservant beasts that ran about clumsily through the bushes and mud. _ She was making her way to the mists that were crawling up from the waters onto the sides of the cliff, mysterious mists designed to conceal their boats. A simple trick really, their mists weren't even that mysterious. As proof of that she was going to head on over and hide behind the attacking enemies. While they struggle to fight their way into the forest they'll be moving away from her and thus be giving her ample room to work her magic. Even if they turned around to go find her she could slip into their own mists and evade them, further delaying them from continuing to harm those she was sent to protect. As she went along though something terrible arose. A great fire erupted, burning a chunk of the forest some distance away. She could hear shouting and detect more flame arising through her mystical senses, feeling the chemical exchanges arise and propagate. [color=green][i]Reckless! Stupid and reckless![/i][/color] she silently castigated them as she crept past towards the river. Fires were bad as they tended to spread, kicking toxic smoke into the air and threatening to enclose the very place you stood. They were not only going to get themselves killed but many others! She was going to show them the error of their choices. She gathered seeds from the ground as she continued, picking up a large handful as she eventually reached the river's mouth which spewed forth into the great waters beyond. Seeing the cliffs that these man beasts used to jump up and attempt to rush through the forest from she took the many seeds and planted a dense grove right past the bridge over these running waters. With magic she plucked stones from the river's floor and piled them up as boulders. Thanks to the fires these fools were creating she had a plentiful source of easy energy, distantly pulling at the teeth of the flames to keep them from eating through the foliage while she built her dam. _ Soon enough it was build. A wall of piled stones blocked off the river and she had even gone ahead and extended it past so the river wouldn't just overflow then run over another portion of the cliff. On top of making it harder for new man beasts to try and jump atop it served as a great dam for her to start what would be the beginning of a mighty flood, a flood that would swallow the man beasts and drown them in poisonous waters. Taking one of her remaining paralysap tree seeds she sat it atop the crest of her great dam. Within her palms she imbued it with great energy, sparking a chemical symphony within it's case and provoking it's germination procedure without the present of nurturing soil. All the nutrients it required she gave unto it in plentiful portions. As it extended it's roots she used her magic to shape them, adding mass along the angles she sought it to take. She did the same for it's branches, even using her crook to hook a branch as it ascended along the growing trunk, pulling her up along as the tree grew tall in mighty in very little time at all. She clambered through the foliage of the tree until she was in a position both well hidden and not open to any sharp rocks suddenly flying through. She cast out a handful of strugglethorn briar clippings which scattered about the base of the great paralysap tree, a trap that once grown in would ensnare anyone foolish enough to attempt to climb her tree and hold them fast at the bottom of the building river which would soon drown those unfortunate enough to become stuck in their viny grasp. With the energy she continued to pull away from the flames these beasts were spreading she pulled more of the mist up along the edges of the cliff around where she now stood. Now in the dark of night with mists about only a true fool would try to find her in the building waters which continued to grow as the river found itself bottled, the rain water agitating it's peaceful saunter into an aggressive rush. Hidden within the canopy in the growing grove of tightly packed trees she began to sing once again, this time pulling from both the chemical reactions begun by the flames as well as their surrounding heat to fuel the rain clouds she continued to sing into being. Very soon this drizzle would become a downpour. Very soon this downpour would become a flood. And not long after these fire breathers would soon be breathing water instead. [hr] Directly interacting with: [@Th3King0fChaos],[@Wolfieh]&[@Force and Fury].