[@Dark Cloud] Captain Owyn poured himself another cup of rum, chuckling at Valen's comments about the nobles. "The lady I don't know much about, just goes by Lady DeVespe. Ah think she's some sort'a foreign diplomat, real shy type, 'specially for keepin' 'round so many guards." He took a gulp of rum, relaxing back in his chair. "Other fellow... Sir Landon Gaensburg, e's some Duke's nephew. Could definitely use less o' him 'round here... don't tell 'im ah said that though." Owyn chuckled again, taking another gulp. "But nobles, they pay good gold... well, as long as they don't go askin' fer refunds after." He grimaced, glancing towards the door. "I may have been avoidin' that Landon fella..." he whispered conspiratorially. "...Anyway, don't you go accusin' me of sellin' out to nobles now. A man's gotta do what he can to stay afloat!" He took another chug, another satisfied gulp. "Don't tell me you've never worked for a noble before?" he gestured his cup towards Valen with a curious lighthearted grin.