[quote=@SSW] Got a couple Caster ideas. Might be OP since they're similar to Medea but it seems like the charge system would stop that, and what you're really worried about it Rule Breaker? [/quote] I can hear out the potential Casters. Rule Breaker is always broken, because it severs the "contract" that binds Servants to their Master or their "Intent". That runs the risk of trivializing encounters by just stabbing them, breaking their "contract", and erasing their purpose for fighting in the Singularity. It's the same reason Medusa was nerfed, so her power works more like Eraserhead. Yes, she can still petrify at full strength, but the restriction that she has to maintain an unblinking, uninterrupted eye contact means someone as simple as a spark of light can screw her over, by taking her eye contact away. However, Rule Breaker isn't so easily fixed, due to the inherent nature of it. It's not as simple as saying, "The target can resist it," because then you have to ask, "Who can resist it? Only Servants, surely. Why? What about elite enemies or Caster summons?" and that's nitty-gritty I've no desire to work out. [@Cu Chulainn] Only Lancer is available, if SSW calls Caster.