The sun was setting but the Dawnblades weren’t yet done with their new recruitment drive. Like all legions, they went from node to node within the Verdant Realms every so often to draw new recruits into their ranks. Such an event was never a dull affair. Lit torches lined a circle drawn in the fertile earth just outside of the city. People from city and the surrounding villages came to see the spectacle. Though few could fully understand what was happening without explanation. They held their breaths as eight legionnaires stepped into the circle. Each was holding a quarter staff. They were dressed in lightly padded cloth. Every hit would hurt. “The legions fight as one!” Another legionnaire shouted so the whole crowd could hear him. He too reached the circle, but remained outside of it. Two more legionnaires dressed in full, iron armor met at the circle as well, but stayed out of it. “To do so we must know each other. Predict each other. We shall show you the blessing of Anak’thas that facilitates such union.” Drummers that sat beside the circle began to dictate a slow rhythm. The eight legionnaires in the middle of the circle split off into pairs and began to spar at the rhythm of the drums. Every strike was meant, that much was clear to everyone. As the crowd watched, the two armored legionnaires circled around the duelists like a pair of hungry wolves. Their eyes darted from strike to strike. After half a minute the rhythm of the fight was well established, and the duels began to look more like choreographed dances. The announcer gave a nod to one of the drummers. He changed the rhythm, making it go faster. The drummers beside him followed suit. The tempo was quickened. Some duelists were taken off guard. One swung. Another countered. Silver light shone. “Out!” The announcer declared. One of the duelists was down on the ground. His legs swept by his opponent. Who looked less than pleased. “Why is she mad?” A young boy asked the announcing legionnaire. “Cause she lost as well.” The announcer said. “Mellica showed weakness.” Another of the armored legionnaires declared dryly. He kept circling the duelists. A legionnaire holding the quarter staff, about to strike her fellow duelist, instead threw her quarterstaff to the ground and fell to her knees. She was defeated. Not by her opponent but by herself. Two pairs of duelists continued. The announcer gave another nod to the drummer. The tempo slowed down. So did the duels. Counters appeared. Like water the duels began to flow like water again. Until suddenly and deceptively the rhythm was upped again. “Out!” Another duelist had struck the chest of their opponent. One more pair remained. They strikes had slowed down. The duel was going on for some time now. Both of the fighters were getting tired. Neither gave up though. The circling legionnaires had their eyes on them as if they were hungry dogs. Ready to call out a moment of weakness. It didn’t happen. The crowd was looking with anticipation. One of the duelist, Imeria, was from a nearby village. Her people were holding their breath. They couldn’t see the fire in her eyes though. Her opponent, a big man, was striking fiercely. Every strike was shown in his mind though. She could read every move. Just like he could read every move of hers. The people in the crowd couldn’t understand this. It could be explained a thousand times over and they still wouldn’t comprehend the mental depth this duel required. It wasn’t a contest of skill or strength. Not at its core. It was like the games the elders played back in Imeria’s village. Each had a turn, each moved a piece with their turn. The winner was the one who could block off the other until he couldn’t move anymore. She had tried to play it as a little girl and was defeated every single time. She wasn’t a little girl anymore though. She was Imeria, Legionaire of the Dawnblades and the best duelist of her cohort. And she was about to prove it again. The duel wasn’t just a game of wits and knowledge though. Her own body slowed down as well, alongside that of Irritus, the brute before her. Her moves became a bit sloppy at times. Though Irritus couldn’t move fast enough to capitalize. She almost had him. Almost. Then she saw it. The big swing, in his mind. He lifted his arms and in and instant she moved. Silverly light shone from one of the tips of the quarterstaff and Imeria struck. Irritus was blown down backwards and fell on the ground. The wind was knocked against him and the crowd, especially those from her hometown, burst out in cheers. Imeria didn’t hear any of it though. The glory, the praise, it meant nothing to her anymore. Not since she joined the legion. As she looked over the faces of her village, she had to admit to herself that she barely recognized them anymore. [hider=Summary]We see part of the recruitment drive of the Dawnblades. To show their power they go around cities to show their unique form of dueling. It has a few more rules though. Legionnaires can see in eachother’s mind to see which moves are coming up. At the same time other legionnaires circling the duelists will make sure that none of the duelists are pulling their punches. In the end one female legionnaire, Imeria, wins the duel. We also get a small look into the personal cost of joining the legion.[/hider] [hider=MP]None used[/hider]