[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220509/3d16ece295ad4635787e6ef6aa2b83bc.png[/img][/Center][hr] Rosalind did not expect that his kingdom, be the same as where she came from. But she also didn't think that he would be so harsh on his servants to accuse them of questioning him, when voicing a concern. As he asked how it was, where she came from. Rosalind was lost in thought about back home, for a few moments. [Color=Lightseagreen] "It's different back home, more light...My Lord." [/Color] She began to explain. [Color=Lightseagreen] "My people are more in tune with nature, than the shadows." [/Color] She explained, one of the differences between them. [Color=Lightseagreen] "But my father is a lot like you, My Lord. He believes in fear, when it comes to handling his people. But it saddens me to say, that a lot of people shy away from coming to him with concerns because of how much they have grown to fear him. They're scared, he would so much as snap at them for voicing concerns they have. More of them, feeling more comfortable coming to my mother for help." [/Color] Rosalind explained. Why did she mention her father? Because, she did not wish to see his own people scared of their own King. But respect his own Kingdom and the way he ruled, she would. Despite her concerns, about his people. Maybe they were too different? Or perhaps they were not. It was only a matter of time, before they would find that out. At the suggestion of going home, maybe she would be safer returning back home. Where she was used to. A safer realm by what she had witnessed tonight. But would her parents be angry at her for returning so soon? It almost seemed like Alexander was sad at the mention of her going home. Almost like he wanted her to stay. [Color=Lightseagreen] "Your home is different, your majesty. But not awful." [/Color] Rosalind assured him. It wasn't the worst of places, if she had to admit. It was a bit darker than she would have liked. But she assumed it was because of all the Shadow Magic, he had spoken off. [Color=Lightseagreen] "Whether I am here, or home...I'll be concerned your majesty. It's nothing pleasant you have endured tonight." [/Color] Her words of course, coming from a place of concern and well being. She became aware of how many people were looking at her, waiting for a decision. Did she want to go home or stay? Not quiet sure herself. [Color=Lightseagreen] "If I may have more time to decide, I'll let you know sometime tomorrow." [/Color] Rosalind promised Alexander. [Color=Lightseagreen] "But I do wish to send word back home, just in case my parents heard what transpired here. To let them know, they don't need to worry." [/Color] It was maybe an odd request. But she didn't wish to worry her parents about what had happened here tonight. Knowing her mother, most likely be freaking out the most when she'd hear that Rosalind had been injured, even in the slightest bit.