[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5r7OTIh.png[/img] [b][color=Aquamarine]wordcount:[/color][/b] 894 (+2) [b][color=Aquamarine]Midna: level 8[/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aquamarine]///////////////////////////////////////////[/color]///////////////////////////////////////(43/80) [b][color=Aquamarine]Location:[/color][/b] Sandswept Sky - Garudo Town [color=Aquamarine]Warp Charges:[/color] 2 [hider=warp locations] Virgin Victory teleport room [/hider] [/center] Sleeping under the stars had been a lovely way to pass the night. Admittedly it had involved laying on the rough ground and had been quite cold, but a combination of exhaustion and the echoes of comforting memory had made for a deep and rejuvenating sleep that the princess had sourly needed. Then, of course, the blasted sun came up and it was time for the princess to get back to squinting and being much too warm. [color=Aquamarine]”It’s going to be good to get out of this wretched desert, that’s for sure”[/color] the princess told her wolfos as she got herself fully dressed and then slipped out of the sleeping bag and into the morning air. She had drifted up into the air and was in the midst of stretching some of the stiffness out of her limbs when Tora came storming past while making a right racket before tossing himself into the water for a morning swim. If anyone had still been asleep among the outsiders they were sure as heck awake now. Still, a rude alarm clock the fluffball might have been, but at least he made up for it with his and Poppie’s cheerful attitudes and silly antics, the latter of which Midna was swiftly dragged into without any complaint. Sometimes you needed silliness, especially when the day ahead no doubt held more trials and tribulations. In short order the princess found herself dashing across the sands and using her shadow-hand to launch the living volleyball, the exertion and laughter that resulted from this doing far more to get her limber and awake than the stretches had. Unfortunately the game eventually came to an end when the mercenary boss yelled at them to get a move on [color=Aquamarine]”Ahhh you're no fun, but fine fine, let me just check in with the market first for a moment so I can afford breakfast.”[/color] Well, first she intercepted Sectonia, borrowed the Symbol of Avarice and used it to crush the Sanscale spirit she’d picked up last night. The common spirit gave her an unremarkable gemstone of some kind, but given that she’d been intending to sell whatever she got anyway, that worked out well enough. A few minutes later and she’d found a jeweler and a silversmith who saw worth in her various looted currencies other than their unrecognized monetary value, indeed the buyer of the [url=https://i.imgur.com/LuakGWN.png]ducats[/url] had launched straight into seeing if they could make earrings out of the odd coins moments after the sale had been made. As a result the princess had wound up with a pretty decent haul of 2300 gold, most of which she set aside for future succulent pig-equse purchases. First tap of that fund: a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHIHl8Rw6W8]big breakfast[/url] As a result Midna started the day with her seat at the table being served a big pile of eggs, bacon, hash brown, baked beans, sausage, toast and, fortunately, no regret because she had 3 other mouths to feed on top of her own. So when push came to shove it really turned out to be more of a small and mostly vegetarian breakfast for her, because most of the sausages and bacon went under the table to a rotating line up of her twilight-beasts who took turns at portaling in and getting some light-world grub. So that was what Minda was up to while the team were informed of the existence of a giant cat based transportation that apparently existed in an underground ‘subway’ of some kind. It sounded very silly to the twilight princess, but then it was always better to have something silly and helpful than something nightmarish and ever so lethal in this mashed up world, so she couldn't exactly complain. [color=Aquamarine]”So, guess what we’ll need to do is go down, split up, ride some more cat drawn carriages and find out where these ‘lines’ all end up?”[/color] Minda said, before taking a little scoop of eggs into her mouth and the having a thought ready by the time she swallowed [color=Aquamarine]”Or, you know, just find a map? That would be a logical thing to have down there… which given how whimsical the place sounds I guess is not a guarantee”[/color] [color=Aquamarine]”That said, I’ve got some unfinished business with that split mountain before we ditch this roasting land for good”[/color] Midna said, popping one of the port stones down on the table as she spoke to make it clear how she was getting up there [color=Aquamarine]”get that poor guy his oil from that Convent… If either he or it is left… that worm probably messed up the mountain pretty bad”[/color] That put a bit of a potential damper on her plan but still, I wouldn’t stop her from at least trying [color=Aquamarine]”Well anyway, I don’t mean to drag it out. Pull a lightning raid on that place and then drop down the mountain more or less as fast as possible. If we put the other one of those warp rocks on the Virgin Victory I can just jump back, and maybe retrieve the one up on the mountain top while I’m at it if there’s nothing else worth seeing up there.”[/color] she suggested, putting something on the table to ensure that it wasn't a frivolous waste of time from the perspective of those who would need to take steps to ensure she was not left behind.