Carmen, too, stood in awe of Jane’s incredible costume. She went slack-jawed, gazing up at the very tall suit of power armor. Jesus, that was so cool. Bev, though, seemed to think it was even cooler, because she promptly tumbled onto the ground like some sort of Victorian woman taken by the vapors. Carmen blinked, staring dumbly at the situation while Will and Ms. Rachel managed to get the Tinker back onto her feet. She had half a mind to ask Bev if she was okay, but other things were on her mind- understandably- as they walked back into the main room to confront the Director. He looked… Carmen couldn’t quite figure out [i]how[/i] he looked as he told them what was going to happen. Not afraid, but he wasn’t confident in them. Not at all. The revelation wasn’t unexpected, but it soured her mood, making her wring her hands. Maybe the others didn’t know what they were doing after all. Could they be just as clueless and weak as her? If so, they were all about to meet a grisly end- or at least get stabbed. If she got stabbed- no, if she even had a [i]broken bone[/i], her mom would make her quit before things even really got started. That was a good thing, wasn’t it? She didn’t wnat to be here. But despite herself, Carmen started thinking of possible ways they might succeed. She had been to the museum on class trips once or twice, but didn’t know the layout as well as she’d like. And this was such a big team, so many powers to balance… she looked at everybody else, assessing. If they wanted to succeed, they’d need to work together. Carmen turned her gaze to the door as it clicked, surprise appearing on her face as two more faces walked in. She thought she was the last one! Neither introduced themselves. Both looked to be much older than her- in line with the others, she supposed. One inquired about being late, while the other looking to the side, seeming uncomfortable. She could relate. But that didn’t matter much to her right now. She watched Caiden’s performance with a degree of fascination. The other boy thoroughly intimidated her. His smile hadn’t gone unnoticed earlier, but he still seemed so scary. His tone was always biting, his words smug. But his power was cool as heck. And [i]complicated[/i]. The uses, though! She might have to speak with him about it after all this. Carmen cleared her throat, electing to say some more about her power. [color=a51d45] “Car- V. Again. Um. I already kind of explained the basics, but I do object conjuration. They said I’m a Striker, but a really weird one so it’s not important… I just got them a bit ago, so I’m not too sure, but my power has a sort of limit, I guess. The amount of energy conjuring an object takes depends on the specificity of the creation, how much I need it, and its complexity. And size. Sometimes. You’d think specificity and complexity are the same, really, but they’re not, complexity just means making something as complicated as a computer would tire me out but specificity means the more I specify, like, for example, I want a mauve fuzzy scru- oh. That’s not relevant. Sorry! I can’t make things that I can’t visualize exactly and my objects disappear within thirty minutes to a few hours-”[/color] As she was speaking, Carmen’s scrunchie disappeared in a sudden burst of smoke, her curly hair floating around her shoulders. [color=a51d45]“Gah! Oh, sorry…”[/color] She hurriedly conjured and put it back up again. It was green, now- she hadn’t cared about the color. [color=a51d45] “Sometimes, if I don’t specify, it kind of just makes things up. And as for me, I’m, um. Nothing special. I’m not strong, I’m not a good fighter… I can run fast, and shooting a gun and tasing people are pretty self-explanatory, right?”[/color] Carmen finished her garbled speech, shifting on her feet.