[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/K2ssvzh.png[/img][/center] After Caroline’s purification, Justine reluctantly brought her to the Crimson Cradle headquarters, giving her own bed to her long-lost sibling while she slept on the couch or an unoccupied room Maura may have had there. Initially, Justine was glad to have reunited with her, and showered her with constant attention. Caroline seemed to adjust well to the change in scenery, or rather, she didn’t seem to react at all. She silently stared at everyone for most of the time, and when she rarely spoke, it was only to Justine, and in short sentences. In time, Justine’s enthusiasm gave way to awkwardness and apathy, having realized that not everything would be fixed once Father’s influence was gone. They weren’t a happy family, but a pair of traumatized girls, their former madness having served as a buffer to the issues within them. Justine continued serving Maura, patrolling the city and exterminating rogue monsters. She grew more confident and diligent in her work, yet a certain distance also gradually formed between her and the Witch of Death. While Justine was grateful, she was also wary of her, especially if she attempted to approach Caroline any further than usual. Still, Caroline’s unusual behavior continued to unsettle her. One day, as twilight descended upon Penrose, Justine stood over the town hall, having decided to give Lily a phone call. The energetic girl immediately responded. [color=fff200]”Hi, Justy! Been a while since we’ve talked~ How are you and Carol been doing?"[/color] Justine sighed. [color=bc8dbf]”Hello, Lily. That is actually why I called you in the first place.”[/color] Justine sat down at the edge of the roof, letting her feet dangle in the air. [color=bc8dbf]”Caroline has been eating and sleeping regularly. And she doesn’t show any signs of physical sickness. But…I can tell she is not well.”[/color] Lily lowered her tone, having realized this was not a regular chatting session. [color=fff200]”Oh, that sounds serious. Is there something about her behavior that concerns you?"[/color] [color=bc8dbf]”Yes. She rarely talks, and doesn’t show much emotion in her expressions. She also has nightmares nearly every night. I think she is mentally ill.”[/color] [color=fff200]”Have you taken her to a psychiatrist? That could help her.”[/color] Justine blinked. [color=bc8dbf]”What is that?”[/color] [color=fff200]”They are someone who deals with mental illnesses. I think there was one in Silverburg…Yep, I can send a link to their webpage over Glimmr.”[/color] [color=bc8dbf]”Uh, are you sure about this, Lily? That this psych…er could help? She won’t be sentenced to a madhouse?”[/color] [color=fff200]”Oh no no no, madhouses haven’t existed for centuries now. Today’s mental healthcare has improved by bounds. You can trust me on this.”[/color] Justine sighed, but then nodded to herself. [color=bc8dbf]”Okay then. Thank you for the advice, Lily. Goodbye.”[/color] [color=fff200]”Talk to you later! Byeee!”[/color] As she closed the phone, she saw as the lights in the city began popping up, starting from the nearest streetlight and spreading into the distance like countless stars. [hr] In present day, Justine had returned back to Penrose after she took Caroline on a follow up visit from Silverburg. Her concerns were remedied when the psychiatrist explained they would start with simple sessions to ease Caroline into the process. She happened to spot as Finn and Oliver rode off on a motorcycle, and flew after them. [color=bc8dbf]”What’s going on? Did something happen?”[/color] She yelled from behind them.