Fendros squatted down to put a hand on Sabine's back. Sabine herself took a short while to respond. She slowly nodded and looked up to Yerig with a tear-soaked face. "You are right. I just wish it could have been different." It was then that Tarna stepped up with her mouth clamped shut and offered Yerig a waterskin and a hand up. "Is there anything you wish to say, Tarna?" Fendros asked. Tarna slowly shook her head. "I am not a good speaker. I will miss him, but...that's not strong enough to say on its own." Fendros nodded and sighed through his nose. "We should take his body back to give him a proper burial. Yerig...there is food and rest at camp. When you are refreshed, we should speak of what the next steps should be for you and Do'rhajul's remains."