[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/979435275526766672/991811974788825108/Collab_header_Black_Flag.png[/img][/center] [hr] Collaboration of: [@Th3King0fChaos], [@A Lowly Wretch], [@dragonpiece], and [@Force and Fury] [hr] [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/709-XGVk1a0?list=RDGMEMJQXQAmqrnmK1SEjY_rKBGA[/youtube][/center] [hr] [hider=War is not Free][color=f7976a][u][b]Penny[/b][/u][/color] The thing was that, for all of her bold words, Penny was no naval tactician. She knew a good deal about magic. She knew how to fight. She knew precious little about ships, though, and even less about what they'd actually e facing. It would seem foolish to assume that they'd have only the Nera to contend with. Hence, when he stepped aboard, surprisingly nimble, she announced that she would defer to the wisdom of Captain Falzon. [color=8882be][u][b]Ingrid[/b][/u][/color] Ingrid stood there listening to the new revelation of Penny being a princess. Honestly, she couldn't see it but Amelea had no reason to lie so it was best to move on from that for now. Ingrid knew that they didn't have a choice in the matter. 2 of the objectives are still unobtained and she couldn't let this ordeal be for nothing. Ingrid looked towards Amelea, [color=8882be]"I will be frank, I would join in the fight if in addition to some of the spoils of battle, I could have a favor of my choice down the line."[/color] Ingrid understood such a payment was hard to agree to but The Princess could use every mage they could for this battle. [color=0054a6][u][b]Amelea[/b][/u][/color] Amelea might have rolled her eyes inwardly. She was dealing with mercenaries, more or less, and they knew that they had her in the weaker position: a place where she'd spent most of her life. Outwardly, however, she managed a tight, professional smile. [color=0054a6]"You will have my gratitude should you be of assistance. So long as your request is reasonable and not something uncouth or abhorrent - and I would not expect such - you have my word that it shall be honoured."[/color] She knit her hands in front of her and waited for the next demand. [color=gold][u][b]Desmond[/b][/u][/color] Desmond took in a breath as he heard what the princess said, now was the time for battle. When Captain Falzon stepped aboard Desmond gave the man a nod before turning back to Amelea as he gave his answer, [color=gold]"I am willing to join but, just like Ingrid, I would like some of the loot and a favor of my choice"[/color]. Desmond knew he needed to keep it quick, if they were going to plan they needed to work fast, so what each person wants up front is the best move. Desmond did throw in a little quip, [color=gold]"What's the trouble of giving a mercenary a favor? We might never meet again anyway~"[/color]. [color=f7976a][u][b]Penny[/b][/u][/color] & [color=0054a6][u][b]Amelea[/b][/u][/color] Penny quirked an eyebrow. [color=f7976a]"Now that I think about it, I've a request of my own: speak with my father after this and we may make common cause against Doge Prospero."[/color] Truth be told, much as she was slightly taken aback by the brazenness of her classmates' demands, she couldn't fault them and, to some extent, had even put them up to it. Amelea nodded, hurried. [color=0054a6]"As Nelle and Dami are my witnesses-"[/color] She gestured at Penny. [color=0054a6]"-all such requests will be honoured, of course, so long as they remain within the bounds of decency and reasonableness. Now, we have an enemy to plan for and I am as open to suggestions as she is."[/color] [color=8882be][u][b]Ingrid[/b][/u][/color] Ingrid made a slight glance to Penny, to essentially seal that the future queen of Segonia gave her word. Ingrid refocused her attention on Amelea and smiled, [color=8882be]"Thank you Princess Amelea, I'll be sure to draw up some proper documents for record keeping. I should formally introduce myself as well."[/color] Ingrid gave a traditional greeting one would give of her rank, [color=8882be]"My name is Ingrid Penderson, a noble of Eskand Ath."[/color] [color=crimson][u][b]Trypano[/b][/u][/color] How disappointing. The lamp, that is. She couldn't care less about Penny probably being royalty, let alone the royalty she was speaking to in the first place. Nobility was subjective, a social construct built up by society as the natural evolution of chiefs ruling over tribes. Truth is that their position mattered little as any husk of flesh could occupy the title given it has literally no requisites apart from your people agreeing to uphold that said husk possesses the title. What mattered was Mana, the thing that ran in many a noble's blood thanks to their tight control over breeding and monitoring for magical levels, stronger mages becoming viable breeding stock for nobility and possibly higher. She knew that well. After all, she was one such stock. [color=crimson]"The truth is that what I expect out of this mission I will only be receiving if we meet the criteria we were sent to fulfill. My main prerogative is to keep our team alive so they may fulfill the criteria requested of us. Anything else is irrelevant."[/color] Trypano had taken a brief second from looking at the lantern with a focused studying glare to interject into the ongoing conversation. [color=crimson]"If we are on the topic of offers from those who are asking our aid I'd kindly ask you and any in your fleet to cease harassing my family's cargo vessels."[/color] She posted her question to the Captain himself, seeing as he was likely among the many issues that plague their trade upon the seas. It was mostly as a favor to her brother as she cared little for the business as a whole, the money simply a means to facilitate a far greater ends. [color=gold][u][b]Desmond[/b][/u][/color] Desmond brushed his hands on his pants as he says, [color=gold]"Perfect, alright first things first I think we need to know what we are working with and where the Nera is coming from. We can't build a strategy without knowing where enemies are coming from"[/color]. [color=ec008c][u][b]Xavier Falzon[/b][/u][/color] Captain Xavier squinted up at the strange giant woman. He nibbled his lower lip for a moment. "I'd do it," he agreed after a moment, "If I knew who's vessels it was that I'm to avoid." He drew the ack of a hand across his nose and sniffed. "Something for later, assuming we win the day. For now, I agree with this young man." He jerked a thumb as Desmond, nodding in the manner of one professional recognizing another. He turned to Penny expectantly. [color=8882be][u][b]Ingrid[/b][/u][/color] It seemed the only person left unheard was Ismette, Ingrid turned to her and asked, [color=8882be]" Ismette, do you have anything you want to add? I know you said that killing isn't debatable for you."[/color] [color=f7976a][u][b]Penny[/b][/u][/color] Penny shrugged. [color=f7976a]"Despite this hat, I promise I'm no actual mariner."[/color] She shifted, her boot and crutch thumping on the wooden deck, and pointed in the direction she came from. [color=f7976a]"Unless they pull something sneaky, though, they'll e coming from the hidden cover and grotto down that way. I only saw the Nera, a lugger, and some rowboats."[/color] She paused for a moment, row furrowed, and her eyes dared about. [color=f7976a]"Actually,"[/color] she almost shouted, perking up, [color=f7976a]"I collapsed some of the rock in my escape! The Nera might be slow to get out. She may even have suffered some slight damage."[/color] She took a few steps, excitedly, hop-skipping. She turned back towards Captain Falzon and particularly Desmond. [color=f7976a]"If we make haste, we may be able to corner her!"[/color] [color=gold][u][b]Desmond[/b][/u][/color] Desmond looked to Ingrid as she called to Ismette and give her piece, Desmond knew she did not wish to kill, yet Desmond did have an idea, [color=gold]"I know you wish not to deal a blow to another, so why no you join me on my ship"[/color]. Desmond extended her a hand as he then continued, [color=gold]"I do need someone to fill my sails if we are going to pull this off"[/color] [color=6ecff6][u][b]Ismette[/b][/u][/color] The lone yasoi among the group, as she always seemed to be when around humans, Ismette crossed her arms. [color=6ecff6]"I won't take life,"[/color] she said simply, leaning against the mast, [color=6ecff6]"but anything else, I will do. I signed up for this."[/color] She smiled at Desmond. [color=6ecff6]"Your sails will be so full, you won't know what to do with all the wind."[/color] She turned to Amelea. [color=6ecff6]"As for my reward?"[/color] She bowed deeply. [color=6ecff6]"Serving in such a noble cause is the greatest reward I could ever ask for."[/color] She paused. [color=6ecff6]"However... I would like you to allow some of my people to settle on the land you call Segona, without human interference, should you regain your golden chair."[/color] With a languid stretch, she moved to stand beside Desmond, resting her forearm on his shoulder. [color=6ecff6]"I can do more than make wind, by the way. Just... no killing."[/color][/hider] [hider=War is not Easy][color=8882be][u][b]Ingrid[/b][/u][/color] Ingrid listened in on penny's suggestion and was a bit nervous of it. Ingrid looked towards Penny, [color=8882be]"I believe they would have moved the rock already. If they are still in the cove, depending on how large the mouth of it is, it could cut off our cannon fire and leave them open to fire on us. Their sight would be larger and they would only have to spend their defense in one direction. If they have enough mages to do that then we lose the advantage of them being cornered."[/color] [color=f7976a][u][b]Penny[/b][/u][/color] Penny... didn't quite understand what Ingrid meant. There was a decent and only increasing chance that they rocks had been moved. As for the bit about the cove, it was another language to her. She'd assumed that cornering a larger enemy in a small space where your smaller ships could maneuver more freely would be a good thing, but she knew little of naval combat and there was the risk of them being bottlenecked, potentially. Besides, Ingrid spoke with confidence that sounded quite convincing. Penny merely shrugged. [color=f7976a]"If you think it'll be better..."[/color] She trailed off. [color=crimson][u][b]Trypano[/b][/u][/color] [color=crimson]"I'll provide you a list of ship names and banners for reference."[/color] She quickly added in response to the captain before returning her focus to the scene in general. Seeing as the majority of her group was behind this idea of sticking around and finishing off the last of their three objectives she reluctantly consigned herself to pitching in to the battle planning proper. [color=crimson]"Given the casualty rate of our prior plan we'll need to prepare a solid plan and execute this with caution if we really do intend to carry through with it."[/color] With the lit lantern still in hand she looked over to the area Penny was indicating, talking about how she brought down some rubble. Her brow was furrowed with deep thought as she gave multiple ideas great consideration, eliminating more convoluted and impractical plans until a couple remained in mind. [color=crimson]"There are two ideas I have in mind. The first would be for us casters to take to the ground and ambush the ship as it attempts to emerge from the cove while our ships pepper it with fire from the entrance. The other idea would be to hit the cove with an explosive powerful enough to collapse it onto the ship within, either trapping it inside or crushing it."[/color] [color=gold][u][b]Desmond[/b][/u][/color] Desmond looked to Ismette and gave her a smile as he said, [color=gold]"No killing"[/color]. He looked back to Penny talking about cornering the Nera, as she set them up to be in the cove. Desmond thought for a moment as Ingrid brought up a good point, they'd be firing into an arrow chute, yet Desmond brought up something, [color=gold]"I do agree with Ingrid, if we send all our force into cornering the Nera, we could find ourselves firing into an arrow chute, yet I think I got an idea for that"[/color]. As Desmond gestured his hand towards Ingrid he said, [color=gold]"I'll need your help, but I think we can turn this ketch into a fortress killer"[/color]. Desmond tosses a thumb to the Ketch as he says, [color=gold]"The Golden Sun may be small, yet it is loaded with a high-powered mortar, meaning it punches well above its' weight class. I may not seem it, but I'm a great Magusjaeger and Chemist, so making these cast-iron cannon balls into some more powerful weapons and sending them through a small hole is much more up my alley."[/color] Desmond quieted down when Trypano spoke and made her plans known. A smile came on his face as he thought he had the perfect idea for this. Desmond gestured to Captain Falzon and the others as he spoke up, [color=gold]"If we mix a bit of Trypano's plan and my idea, while the Golden Sun smashes the Nera with fire and brimstone, our other 2 ships meet the possible ships that are meant to assist that'll come from sea"[/color]. [color=8882be][u][b]Ingrid[/b][/u][/color] Ingrid looked towards Trypano and Desmond, [color=8882be]"Both plans would require explosions so I am more than up for it."[/color] [color=ec008c][u][b]Xavier Falzon[/b][/u][/color] [color=ec008c]"This assumes that it remains in the cove and under the grotto's roof,"[/color] Xavier Falzon amended, glancing at Trypano. Then, Desmond spoke. [color=ec008c]"You... want to take on a near forty gun ship with... a six gun bomb ketch?"[/color] He regarded the youth incredulously. [color=ec008c]"That mortar's a nice weapon, but if the Nera hits you so much as once, she'll maul you."[/color] He shook his head. [color=ec008c]"You should have a second ship with you to keep her honest, or you'll draw too much fire and there's no getting accurate fire of your own off."[/color] He crossed his arms. [color=ec008c]"We should divert one of our other two to take the big girl's fire. She won't worry much about a little ketch if she's got the Royal or the St. Elmo to deal with."[/color] [color=crimson][u][b]Trypano[/b][/u][/color] She nodded along in thought while considering his suggestion. [color=crimson]"In order for your explosive to work however we have to make sure the enemy mages aren't employing counter-measures against it. Since we have a bit of time to prepare while we set out to meet them we could design a cannon with a longer barrel using means not available to traditional craftsmen."[/color] Already her mind was brimming with all sorts of designs regarding this concept, something made evident as she paced over to the area which would make the best place to mount something as heavy as she was considering. As a semi-experienced sailor she was well aware of a number of issues with how cannons are set up and why. She wanted to see what the formal plan was in full first before she set anything up but she definitely was ready to start engineering something... Different. [color=gold][u][b]Desmond[/b][/u][/color] Desmond gave a smile to Ingrid and put out his hand to her as he said, [color=gold]"Welcome aboard"[/color]. As he looked to Captain Falzon as he said, [color=gold]"Very true, how about we take the Royal, I have a feeling other ships will come and the St. Elmo would be able to duke it out better while we deal the nail to the Nera's coffin"[/color]. As Trypano spoke up, she called to make a weapon much better than what is available. Desmond chuckled as he said, [color=gold]"Alright, if this works well, I might need to ask you to make me a new gun"[/color]. [color=ec008c][u][b]Xavier Falzon[/b][/u][/color] [color=ec008c]"Just... let's focus on sailing for now instead of making experimental guns without any testing."[/color] Captain Falzon prepared to return to his boat. The St. Elmo's Fyre had cast off and was coming their way, easily dwarfing the two smaller ships. He paused, though, halfway to his boat, and furrowed his brow. [color=ec008c]"You know... you lot are good with The Gift in a way that few on my crew are. It occurs to me that the best way to achieve what you're thinking, without constructing an entirely new gun is just to rifle what you have on here. Normally slow and costly, but you've your magic and - unless I'm way off - a precise way about you. Add some extra propulsion using your kinetic magic - nothing that would risk bursting your barrel."[/color] He removed his hat for a moment and scratched at his head. [color=ec008c]"That'd give you more accuracy and make for more range, wouldn't it?"[/color] [color=gold][u][b]Desmond[/b][/u][/color] [color=gold]"True enough, I was just curious if I could see something I could have never seen with my own power. I am a tinkerer at heart"[/color]. Demsond chuckled at the idea as he take off his hat and looked to Trypano as he said, [color=gold]"Captain Falzon is right, using the gift in such a way is the exact same way we Magusjaegers actually reach out so far. Maybe another time then, don't want to lose out on our biggest gun"[/color]. [color=ec008c][u][b]Xavier Falzon[/b][/u][/color], [color=f7976a][u][b]Penny[/b][/u][/color], and [color=6ecff6][u][b]Ismette[/b][/u][/color] Penny glanced around at the others. [color=f7976a]"I'll take the Royal in with the Sun,"[/color] she agreed. [color=f7976a]"Might need a skilled navigator. I've been flying by luck and the seat of my pants."[/color] She reminded herself inadvertently, once again, that she was not wearing a dress. [color=f7976a]"we drop some people off at the mouth of the cove who can hit the Nera from dry land, and we take her down."[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Mortars are dubious for accuracy,"[/color] Ismette interjected. [color=6ecff6]"We'll have to hold the Nera still for your shot to work."[/color] She pursed her lips, thinking. [color=ec008c]"You should stem and stern her,"[/color] captain Falzon decided. [color=ec008c]"Hit her with your full broadsides from either end while she's only got her bow and sternchasers to hit back with. Line up your mortar then. She starts to come about, you kite her for dear life, get her to follow the Royal and ignore the Sun."[/color] [color=f7976a]"Royal's gotta hold her still for a bit, no?"[/color] interjected Penny. She glanced concernedly around her new toy, patting the wheel regretfully. [color=f7976a]"Guess she can afford to lose a few pieces,"[/color] she decided, eyes flicking down towards her own 'missing piece'. [color=f7976a]"Long as I can shield any crew with the Gift."[/color] [color=crimson][u][b]Trypano[/b][/u][/color] Trypano cast a look over to both the captain and Desmond who, along with not even hearing what she was about to propose, suggested they instead perform something as [i]basic[/i] as rifling the barrels and using kinetic magic as though that wasn't something that hadn't already crossed her mind. [color=crimson]"While that may add [i]some[/i] accuracy to the shot if they have mages on board they will definitely be within range to tamper with our cannons no less than we may with theirs. We want something bigger, a bigger cannon in order to load more powder and thus generate more propulsion to the round Desmond is suggesting. I'm thinking something..."[/color] With a gesture she drew from the surround water, pulling in a large amount of energy over the course of a minute as she generated a titanium block of metal about twice the size of a standard cannon. [color=crimson]"This large. It'll be mounted on a spring attached to a plate interlocked with a half circle ring mounted to the deck so the recoil doesn't send the cannon flying back. With rifling and the fact it'll be shaped from a solid mass of metal it should be able to withstand a far more powerful explosion allowing for far greater distance on our explosive rounds."[/color] [color=8882be][u][b]Ingrid[/b][/u][/color] [color=8882be]"I think I can stop the ship from moving for at least a bit. Whether drawing its movement or incasing it in ice"[/color] Ingrid interjected. [color=ec008c][u][b]Xavier Falzon[/b][/u][/color] The old pirate captain merely blinked, thoroughly unconvinced by all of the techno-babble. Sounded like something that'd crack the ship right open, springs or not, or at least make her sail like an absolute pig with all that weight in her bows. All that force had to go somewhere. Then, the other great big girl mentioned encasing the ship in ice. Well... they'd have a shattered hull, but they could all swim, he supposed, and they'd only need one shot with a gun like that. [color=ec008c]"Eshiran empower you,"[/color] he said simply, tipping his hat and leaving in his boat. The St. Elmo's Fyre was now looming alongside the Flamant Royal and Golden Sun. Its crew tossed down a few ropes and these were made fast to the skiff's rings. Presently, they began hauling it up with the help of some Kinetic magic. [color=8882be][u][b]Ingrid[/b][/u][/color] Ingrid went over to mess with the lantern as she wasn't that useful at the time. She does go over to Desmond and hand him what looks like an ornate, solid wool box that has considerable more heft to it. [color=8882be]"This has some Uranium in it, maybe we can make a shot with it? I'll leave that up you if you think you can handle that. Don't open it without telling me by the way."[/color] Ingrid proceeds to mess with the lantern. This should be the artifact of Shune-Zept. Maybe I need to pray to it to have it work? I should at least try Ingrid stared at the lantern gently as she tried to put the words together about how she wants to say it. Saying a prayer was a but odd but she believed one could be applicable to the situation. [color=8882be]"Our battle is bound to be steep Many unknowns cloud our decisions and keep us hesitant We seek the knowledge to prevail through this battle Shune-Zept Enlighten my comrades so that we may continue to discover this world"[/color] Ingrid didn't have more than a hope that a prayer may help. Their was so much they didn't know and maybe, just maybe, Shune would bless us with his knowledge in some way. Ingrid tried pouring some magic into the lantern as a form of light. [color=gold][u][b]Desmond[/b][/u][/color] Desmond watched in astonishment as Trypano made a cannon far better than he has ever seen. It excited him to see if such a thing could work, but the thing that surprised him more was when Ingrid walked toward him and she set a very solid and ornate box in his hand and said there was Uranium within it. He looked at the box in complete worry, he had only ever held depleted Uranium, he mostly took it as any time an atomic mage pulled from it they would toss it. Desmond knew it was heavy so he used it for some bullets, yet he had never seen the real deal with his own eyes. Desmond looked to Ingrid as he said, [color=gold]"Alright, I'll do what I can"[/color]. He had some ideas, however testing them would be slightly daunting The lantern glowed brightly for a moment, seeming to flare, but then it died out, almost as if it was waiting on something else. [color=8882be][u][b]Ingrid[/b][/u][/color] Ingrid's mouth went agape as the lantern shined even a candle worth of light. It did nothing else but Ingrid felt this warmth in her chest, a calm knowing that the Pentad are real. But she wanted more from it. She tried pouring more energy into the lantern but nothing major happened. It was obvious to Ingrid that she couldn't use it.[/hider] [hider=War is not Clean] [color=gold][u][b]Desmond[/b][/u][/color] Desmond was thinking as he looked at the box, almost in a moment of clarity, Desmond had an idea. The Nera was not going to be a problem when forced into the cove, and people are not a problem when you put them into a tomb with no oxygen. As the light from the lantern flashed Desmond said, [color=gold]"Alright, I got it"[/color] as he looked to Ismette and nodded to her as he said, [color=gold]"I'd like to ask for help, but I know you don't want to kill so I'm unsure if this would count as killing with helping make a weapon to kill others"[/color]. Before she could give an answer Desmond began kneeling down next to a cannonball, they had no time, so all work moments were the most important. As he looked up to Trypano, Ingrid, and Penny as he began to speak about his plan to them, [color=gold]"Okay so this is going to be a bit of an upgrade from what I normally do, so I will need everyone who can help. We need to take all of the metal within these cannonballs except for about the top quart inch of metal layer from the cannonball, and turn the rest into phosphorus before sealing it back up. We are going to be using these as the volley before the finishing blow to keep the Nera where she is. The plan will be to smash the Nera with these cannon balls and set them ablaze to cause the air to catch fire before sealing the cove, and the Nera to it's fate"[/color]. Desmond took a breath in, he knew this was going to get sketchy, he was going to be giving people a dangerous weapon they never handled, which is why he gave so much extra material, if it was for himself he would make it even thinner but he needs to make sure they don't light themselves ablaze because one of them decided to drop one. [color=8882be][u][b]Ingrid[/b][/u][/color] Ingrid thought the plan had some potential. Phosphorus is so reactive that it will be hard for them to stop the fire or at least keep them preoccupied. She can hollow out the cannonballs and make the phosphorus but Ingrid knows Trypano would be able to make the phosphorus faster than herself. [color=8882be]"I believe this can be pretty useful. I am experienced in bomb crafting but I usually take time to be very precise. I will probably be better off hollowing the cannon balls to the correct dimensions than making the phosphorus we need."[/color] Ingrid started hollow the balls and leave a small hole for the phosphorus to be loaded. [color=8882be]"When it comes time to actually fight, I'm very confident in my ability to accelerate the flames so you can leave the amping of the fire to me."[/color] [color=crimson][u][b]Trypano[/b][/u][/color] Watching Ingrid make her attempt at utilizing the lantern it lit up briefly during her prayer. A fascinating indicator. Clearly [i]something[/i] in her prayer provoked the lantern into activity but perhaps the issue was in the structure of her phrasing. Her focus on the lantern itself was briefly dragged aside by Desmond as he outlined his battle plan along with the specifics of his ammunition. A novel idea but one not too uncommon unfortunately. [color=crimson]"It would be a sound plan if the enemy ship didn't carry other casters aboard it."[/color] She finally weighed in, unfurling her left arm which was previously crossed with her right and gesturing to the cannonball in question. [color=crimson]"As it stands while anti-personnel attacks would suffice in ordinary combat it doesn't sound like this attack will incapacitate the correct people in time, leaving at least some of the mages intact enough to mitigate the harm from this incendiary attack."[/color] She brought her left hand up and rested her chin upon it in thought as she considered the various tactical considerations available to them. [color=crimson]"If we have a highly incendiary round we should target their powder storage rooms within the vessel. If we can ignite a chain reaction the detonation would not only destroy a large portion of the ship, possibly sinking it outright, but would also deny them a valuable resource. Without powder their ammunition is useless as would be their many cannons. We'd be able to engage the mages directly without any risk of fire from their vessel, in fact our own ships could pepper their own with cannon fire which would put their magi on the defensive and split their effectiveness lest they let their ship sink in the conflict."[/color] She strode past, pacing almost as she thought out the specifics of this plan. [color=crimson]"Typically the powder room is located nearby the cannons in order to best facilitate ease and rapidity of reloading. Most ships will have their powder rooms located below the water line to better protect them from enemy cannon fire, and typically at the front and/or back of the ship. Gauging by the size of their ship it's probably both as its size would probably lend difficulty in having to haul reloads from one end of the ship to the other to make full use of their cannons."[/color] Finally she turned back to the group, looking at them fairly directly. [color=crimson]"To my mind that would be the most solid strategy, leaving their mages no time to counteract our damage while also denying them the naval advantage of size and weapon count."[/color] With that said she returned her mind to a more intriguing mystery. [color=crimson]"May I borrow that so I can follow up on a hypothesis?"[/color] She asked Ingrid, retrieving the lantern back from her so she might make another attempt to yield use from the lantern yet. [color=crimson]"Shune-Zept, I beseech thee: Illuminate our path and guide us to the captain of the Maria Nera."[/color] A far simpler prayer perhaps but it wasn't truly a prayer. She did not believe herself to be speaking directly to Shune-Zept, rather her belief was in the magic in the lantern activating as per her request. The lantern did resonate briefly upon mention of illumination but her estimate was that it wasn't given direction and thus had no output to provide. Perhaps given direction the lantern would do as a lantern is designed to do: Illuminate the path. Time to see if this hypothesis held any merit. [color=gold][u][b]Desmond[/b][/u][/color] Desmond heard what Trypano said, and agreed, he didn't know if they could operate at that speed for a cannonball for the first time they ever tried. But this was a time to try what they could, Desmond gave a response to Trypano's piece of the plan, [Color=gold]"Yeah that could work. If we would be using the primary fire to take out the ship, then we would need to work together a lot more because I'm not really going to be able to control a cannonball with enough accuracy to hit a powder room myself. Yet I think it will work."[/color][/hider] Our intrepid heroes had spent this little time doing what needed to be done, first among them, the students of Ersand'Enise, each of them made their claim to what they require to give their support. For the support of Desmond Cutter-Gretz Von Sausex-Eisenac and his ship, the Golden Sun, a single favor from the Uncrowned Queen of Segona. For Ingrid Penderson, the powder monkey of the Golden Sun, she too asks for a favor from the Uncrowned Queen of Segona. As for Trypano Somia, the Navigator and Doctor of the Golden Sun, she requests for the ships of her family to no longer be attacked by Captain Xavier Falzon. Finally, for Ismet'ych'lahin'dichora, the one to fill the Golden Sun with wind, she requests for her people to be allowed to live in peace within the land of Segona. Once their requests are promised to be satisfied, they began their plans. Among the many ideas, they messed with the Lantern and upon Ingrid's use, she found out something important. After a quick prayer and inputting magic into it, the group was able to find out that the Lantern Penny found is in fact Shune-Zept's Lantern! Yet this knowledge seemed not to help much at the moment as it seemed to only light up for a moment before returning to its dormant state. However, during this time of study, the group was able to formulate a plan, using Desmond's and Trypano's knowledge to fire cannonballs filled with phosphorous to hit the Maria Nera's Gunpowder room to hopefully sink the ship in one go, yet if to fail Desmond prepares to close the cover by destroying more of the rock ceiling. Yet no matter on whatever occurs, the intrepid crews of the Golden Sun and Flamant Royal finally fly their flags and set sail. For the Golden Sun, they raise a crimson red sail and flag with a gold sun embroidered upon the sails and flags. [hider=Golden Sun] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/979435275526766672/988960946514960424/unknown.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/979435275526766672/984685860521918464/unknown.png[/img][/center][/hider]