[center] [h1]~Swords, Coats, and Anime Tropes~[/h1] [url=https://i.imgur.com/a62WAod.png][img]https://i.imgur.com/a62WAod.png[/img][/url] [i]Welcome one and all to Aeldun! A fantasy world filled with mysteries and dangers galore that totally isn't just another generic copy-paste of what already exists! You have been called here, heroes and villains alike, from other worlds - by some god or another. Y'know, probably. That tends to be the usual way things like this happen at least, provided the universe isn't having an off day and just decides to fling you into the closest parallel reality of course. On the bright side though, there isn't a demon lord that needs to be fought! Well, not at the moment anyway. In any case, feel free to make yourself at home! I'm sure there's some brigand that needs to be slain or quest that needs to be fulfilled somewhere... [/i] [/center] [hr][hr] Alright, first thing's first, rules! [quote] 1.) No god-modding, puppeting, etc. 2.) Don't be a dick. Also don't break the Guild's rules. [/quote] And that's literally it. I expect most people who join this have RP'd for a while at this point, both here and elsewhere, so I'm sure you're all keenly aware of the etiquette used in this hobby. As far as my expectations go regarding posts, I expect quality over quantity, but I'm willing to be lax overall. We're in Free for a reason after all. To clarify though, I don't need paragraphs if all you need is a sentence or two for quick interactions, but if you feel like adding or describing more then go right ahead. In regards to posting frequency let's try for once a week at the latest, and if you cannot post for whatever reason do attempt to let your fellow players know so we aren't waiting to continue a scene. We won't be using a Discord, so please make use of the OOC tab. Character sheets will be accepted following examination, but given the satirical nature of this roleplay practically anything you make should be fine. Finally, here's the template. Feel free to modify it to fit your character or theme, but be aware that anime faceclaims - or art that is adjacent - are accepted only. Additionally, clicking on the map above will take you to its Imgur page if you need a closer look. As for where our characters start, well that I'll leave up for group discussion since we'll all have a hand in describing and creating locations in the world. [hider=Character Template] [code] [hider=Character Name Here] [color=white] [center][img]Character Portrait/Faceclaim Here[/img] [h1]Character Name Here[/h1] Gender || Age || Species [sub][i]"Placeholder Quote."[/i][/sub] [/center] [hr ][hr ] [h2]Personality[/h2] [quote] Placeholder text. [/quote] [h2]Appearance[/h2] [quote] Placeholder text. [/quote] [h2]Biography[/h2] [quote] Placeholder text. [/quote] [h2]Powers & Abilities[/h2] [quote] Placeholder text. [/quote] [/color] [/hider] [/code] [/hider]