[@Dragoknighte][@rivaan][@Remipa Awesome][@Sigil][@Lurking Krog] Attention once again my guys, gals, and theyfolk - the Update has been Updated. Information has been discovered and/or hinted at, and possible paths have opened for those that feel like hazarding courses of action based upon the clues provided. Best of luck. Now, an announcement: Due to factors social and practical involving members of our jolly little gang of D&D miscreants, I am giving a free week to everyone for posting. The week of the Fourth, point of fact. If you feel like getting a post in during this time, no worries. You will still have the extra time. Or that aside, if you want to just take the time off, go for it. To put it simply, [b]you now have 14 days to post instead of the usual 7 for this cycle[/b]. Please send me any questions or concerns in our Discord.