And the culprits are...? [@Cu Chulainn] [hr] [hider=Collab] “Who knows? Only he, and any little bugs that still remain here.” Achel replied with her usual manner. “Be careful. No telling what else is down here. I’ll stay here. If you need help, just shout at the top of your little hollow soul and I’ll come running.” Comforting. As Gideon moved from the central chamber, the hallway would eventually turn into a larger room. It was dimly lit, the only source of light being from the lamp Achel had given him, the blue flame dancing jubilantly within the confines of its prison. The room itself could at least be called a study. Ancient, but mostly useless books lining a few shelves against the back. Trying to pick any up would cause it to nearly fall apart in Gideon’s hands. Age and perhaps salt water from the ocean were not kind to preservation, really. Upon the walls of the room were small protrusions. Circular, with holes in the middle. Scones? Crystals of some sort laid broken and shattered upon the ground. Picking one up would nearly cause one to shatter in his hands as well. Brittle, fleeting things it seemed. Their structure was odd and with all his years of experience Gideon would know that whatever they were, were not native to the region of Dawn. In the middle of the room amidst forlorn papers and scattered dust and small insects that scurried about was a stone desk, seemingly built right from the floor itself. Smooth curves connecting it to the floor. Upon it were more weathered papers, some bearing the symbol of the Illuminator. They seemed to be mostly just random pieces of disconnected information about various topics. Fishing. Boat building. There was, however, an interesting bit on something called ‘Illu Crystals’. The page was weathered but the brief writing he could make out said that they were cultivated in places suffused with the Illuminators power and had the ability to entrance those who ‘bathed’ in their light. Gideon took note of the papers in regards to fishing and boat building. Utilizing the blessing given to him, he would take some time to scan as much relevant information as possible. He had some knowledge of these things from his time with the Valtem, so it shouldn’t have been too difficult to find any new information that could be applied to help Dawn’s sustainable food situation. Still, knowing he wasn’t here to earn a maritime license, the Raam scholar decided to instead stuff whatever articles contained ‘new’ information into his person. Instead, he focused his attention on the papers detailing these ‘Illu Crystals.’ For a moment, he thought of the light shining at the other end of the hallway. Perhaps such a light was the result of such a crystal’s light? All Gideon could do is read and find out. The boats seemed to be fairly advanced designs from what he could discern, but he could also tell there was no current means to even make one. Resources, manpower…a lack of trained individuals. Perhaps useful for later, but for now it was indeed, better to spend time focusing on something else. The crystals, for instance. Much information in these pages had been lost to time. Many papers that seemed to have information regarding them had been rendered unintelligible, but he could make out a few lines worth of information and dialogue. [i]“The crystals grow in places suffused with the Illuminators power. Studies show they possess a tight, square structure internally…unfortunately brittle, but excellent source of light…if implanted into humans…grows exponentially…sapience detected from dead implanted…”[/i] Nothing about how to grow them, though it seems like they could be…implanted into people? [i]”Crystal gardens overrun with moths. They seem to like the crystals. Harvest will be lesser this month…”[/i] The Sage stroked his chin at the information, interested in what could be obtained from it. It was always a blessing that Gideon did not need to take notes on such matters, his very mind sequencing this information and sorting it accordingly. Of note, the mention of a ‘garden’ had brought a significant amount of interest to the Raam. He would focus his attention on searching for anything mentioning a garden in this study, whether it was vague notes or even a map of sorts sequestered away in this long-forgotten font of knowledge. Unfortunately there was little in the way of what this garden might be or where it was. Chances were, well, those living here at the time had no need for such a map or such. He would, however, find a little not scrawled in barely legible letters near the top of a scrap of paper about the crystals. [i]”Tell that fool Tetrek to close the door to the reservoir! Sea water isn’t good for the crystals in the next room or the books here!”[/i] Quickly noting a potential rise in water levels ascertained by both this notice and the condition of the books in this study, Gideon made sure to take some precautions. Firstly, he would clear the topmost bookshelf of its more illegible books, throwing them to the side in favor of the useful notes he had procured, both of the crystals and the building of boats. He would ensure these shelves were dry enough before doing so, placing a vial of sand from his homeland atop the papers both as a sort of paperweight and a reminder of the things he had left. When the papers were completely safe, Gideon would then start making his way to the opposite hallway, hanging Achel’s lantern at the head of his spear and using it as a sort of walking stick. Just as he approached the distant light, he would take his glove off from his free hand, attempting to see just what sort of adverse reactions his flesh would have when at least briefly exposed to this crystal’s light… … At least, assuming this fading light was of the aforementioned Illu Crystals. The lantern hung from his hook, swaying with each step. Achel for the most part, ignored him as he’d move across the room content to merely watch him as he’d work. As he’d approach the opposite hallway, his assumption was indeed correct. At the end of the hallway, was a large glowing clump of crystals. Sharp edged, growing from the floor to the ceiling that completely blocked off what seemed to be a doorway beyond. A bit grimly, though, it seemed like the crystals were growing from the skeletal remains of someone that had been here before. As he’d approach the large cluster of crystals, the light seemed to cause both his eyes and head to hurt a bit. Like a dull, small headache just behind his eyes. As he drew closer, this would get worse. Perhaps best not to linger too much around the crystal, but it did shine quite beautifully and made for an excellent light source. “[color=95A5A6]No immediate effects on flesh. Must have an effect on one’s mental faculties.[/color]” Gideon noted as he did his best to shield his eyes with his empty hand. Taking note of the body in particular, he would remember the notes mentioned something about… [i]sapience[/i] in the dead. Did this translate to the dead that have gone through significant decomposition? There were a few ways to test this theory. Gideon would begin with the least threatening. “[color=95A5A6]If you can speak, then speak. I’ve read up on these crystals enough to know of their peculiarities with the dead.[/color]” Gideon spoke towards the direction of the crystals and the remains they had grown from. Of course, he took a few more precautionary steps back, keeping his spear in front of him as a means of protection. Gideon asked, but as the silent seconds turned into a silent minute, it seemed as though there would be no immediate reply from the crystal bound remains, only the dim pulsing of light from the structure itself. If speaking to an apparently sapient thing won’t work, then there’s one thing that would definitely rile up the most docile of beings. Gideon kneeled to the ground, looking for a couple of nice rocks before chucking them at the skeletal remains. The few rocks hurtled towards the crystalized corpse. The rocks impacted the corpse itself, chipping off large chunks of the brittle crystal in the process. Immediately, there was a shrill shrill shriek as the crystalline structure itself started to crumble and chip as the skeletal remains slowly started pulling itself to its feet, a pale white light glowing from the empty eyesockets as the crystalline structure criss-crossed through its body. Hostile intent detected. Chance of confrontation: high. Luckily, Gideon was in just the right position to retaliate before this crystalline undead could act. He first held his breath, as he made his calculations, taking note to not allow any of these crystals in his lungs for fear of contamination. He then allowed his eyes to scan the crystal mass’s structure, looking for its shattering point; that is, the area where he’d be able to deal the most amount of damage to its structure. Once this was located, Gideon prepared to strike, allowing the spirit lantern to gently prop onto the ground before quickly lunging towards the crystals, aiming to stop this potential foe before it could act against him. Gideon lunged forward, spear aimed for the crystallized skeletons center mass as it barely managed to get to its feet. The dull sound of metal clanking against a hard, glassy surface. A hollow sounding groan as the undead was impaled followed by the shattering sound of crystal as the entire structure would quite literally seem to explode from the impact. Shards of the white crystal burst in nearly every direction as it shattered, a bit like glass would have. The skeleton would fall to the ground, having been swiftly dealt with. The only thing that remained, seemingly, was the skull, eye sockets still alight with a dull white glow. It was subtle, but Gideon could hear faint whispers coming from it. The large crystal mass blocking the door had shattered too though, letting him pass through if he wished. Gideon took quick note of any crystal shards that were both shattered enough to be placed into the scones in the room while also holding onto the light they had once had when grown together. After taking note of their position and making sure not to step on them, the Sage then looked at the glowing skull. With the immediate danger the crystal posed out of the way, perhaps it may be just as prudent to see what sort of insights Gideon could gain regarding this place. Unfortunately, the skull was the closest available entity that may hold the secrets of what lies further beyond in this complex. With not much else to lead on and a hesitancy to delve deep and unprepared, Gideon lifted the skull up closer, listening to its secrets while being mindful of looking directly into its eyes. As he held the skull up to his head, Gideon could just make out the faintest of whispers… “...Light…so beautiful…enraptured…” Not entirely helpful really. “Illuminate the chamber…fill it with his light…open the door…become a child of light…” It would go on to repeat variations of this phrase and words over and over the more he listened to it. Something about illuminating some place with his light. Regardless of what Gideon would do with it, the room beyond the mass of crystals could be entered now. It led into a hallway, leading deeper into the complex. Gideon decided to put the skull on his belt for the time being, believing that it would have some use to him deeper into the complex. Once it was nicely secured, he would then sift for one of the scone-shaped shards to carry and illuminate his path forward. He’d hope to be quick enough to resolve whatever puzzle awaited him in the room beyond, hoping to get away from this sickening radiance as soon as he can. The hallway beyond seemed simple and safe enough. Much of it had been reduced to rubble and a number of rooms had been completely blocked off by said rubble, the doorways little more than piles of rocks and earthen debris. There were only two rooms that seemed safe and stable enough to enter. One, towards the very end seemed to have once been barred with metal. He could faintly smell the salty air of the sea coming from it. The reservoir mentioned? A door about halfway down had more of the crystalline growth coming from within, judging from the light. “Salt…sea…the sea…sleeping, dreaming…” …from the corners of his vision, he might have thought he saw something moving in the darkness, but when he looked nothing was there. Not wishing to take his chances with whatever may be lurking in the darkness for now, Gideon instead moved back to the previous room, gathering his thoughts. He did not need to delve further, at least not yet. After all, he had gathered just enough information to form his own hypothesis on Achel’s concerns. Before he entered the main chamber once again, however, he gathered just enough of the glowing crystals to test a few more of his theories out. He would move with a sense of urgency, not wanting to be exposed to these crystals any longer than necessary. “[color=95A5A6]Stand clear, Gravekeeper.[/color]” Gideon called out as he approached closer, not wanting Achel to potentially suffer any adverse effects from the crystals. “[color=95A5A6]These crystals are cultivated from the dead, it seems. My guess is someone or something from deep within the complex is robbing the dead in order to grow these minerals… For what purpose, I’m not quite sure myself.[/color]” Looking up to the chandelier, he traversed the jagged path upwards, making his ascent carefully enough as to not shatter the crystals he was holding. Soon, Gideon would reach the top, pondering just how he should load the crystals into the chandelier. “Um? I see, I see…I suppose that would explain it.” Jovial, and perhaps as unreadable as ever, the spider watched Gideon’s ascent towards the Chandelier hanging above. “Those crystals…certainly are annoying, hm? Well, don’t worry about little ‘ol me. I’ve too many eyes already, a little more insight wouldn’t hurt, hehe.” She would move away from the center of the room, though, back towards the entrance to the place. Thankfully the crystal was relatively light for its size, making ascent fairly easy. The chandelier in question was old, rusty, and as one may expect would not have been lit in quite some time. The chains which held it up seemed fairly sturdy though, and likely could hold weight fairly well still. Above the magnifying glass were several rings of metal in a circular fashion…was whatever here once spherical in shape? He didn’t have the time or means to carve this crystal, as brittle as it was into such a shape…but otherwise, it seemed as though it would sit right on the Chandelier. With Achel out of the way, the only thing left to do now was to follow the instructions given to him. Gideon would place the crystal in its somewhat rightful place, allowing the room to be illuminated with whatever twisted magics the Illuminator had that powered these stones in the first place. The crystal set in the Chandelier, ancient rusty chains straining under its weight. The pale light filled the upper area of the chamber, illuminating it brightly as the light would then filter into the large glass magnifier below. Upon hitting the glass, the light would be magnified in scope, spread across the floor of the room, just large enough to cover the old emblem engraved into the floor revealing… That in fact, there was no floor beneath it. A shaft, lined with stairs leading down further into the complex. “, curious? So it was an illusion? No, it was definitely real…then does the light connect two different places…?” Achel seemed amused by the development, though she always seemed amused by something. “[color=95A5A6]My guess is it’s some sort of initiation test, at least with what this skull is telling me.[/color]” Gideon noted, gesturing to the whispering device on his belt. “[color=95A5A6]Whatever’s below may be dangerous to some degree, perhaps even life-changing… but if we don’t find answers soon, more bodies may be taken.[/color]” The sage concluded, raising his lantern up as he made his descent downward. In truth, while he was still concerned about the graverobbing, he was more driven by his inherent sense of curiosity, something given to him by Grams. For better or for worse, Gideon will always strive to find the answers to the questions laid in front of him… … and this hidden chamber was perhaps the greatest question of all. “I will be coming with you.” Achel smiled, following along behind Gideon as he began his descent. “I will be teaching those graverobbers stealing from spiders is a very bad thing, heheh.” Even if he had objections, Achel would be coming anyways it seemed. As the two made their descent further, they would come to the bottom of the shaft, where a large door had sectioned presumably the two parts of this old temple. Opening it would reveal a chamber within. A very lived in, quite in use chamber despite the somewhat ruined nature of it. It looked vaguely like some sort of old worship hall. A high ceiling, rectangular in shape. Old pews rotten and broken along the middle. An old grey and gold trimmed carpet run along the middle of it until it reached a statue of what Gideon would likely surmise was a depiction of the Illuminator. Its large, somewhat triangular body was carved of stone. A single spherical stone sat atop it, two horns extending from either side of it. The rest of the room was some sort of workstation of perhaps alchemical purposes. Books lined the far wall, instruments bubbled away…and the stolen bodies of the villagers were unceremoniously piled just off to the side of the statue. A few clear jars full of some sort of black liquid were kept tightly sealed A man wearing a red robe was standing on the middle of a raised platform in the middle of the room, just in front of the statue. “...nhn? Oh goodness do I have guests?” The man, as he heard the guests entered, turned around, face hidden behind a featureless white mask. “Well! Congratulations! You both passed the first test! Welcome, welcome, make yourselves at home.” “[color=95A5A6]A… test?[/color]” Gideon asked, confused for the most part. Was this theatrics all a part of a mere trial? If so, then this cult and its practices are much more anarchic than Gideon had initially surmised. Even if the body-snatching was not part of the trial, the Raam could not help but be appalled at the sight of the stolen bodies. Defiling the dead was, to the Sage of Steel, one of the greatest sins of all. And yet, he could not help to raise his spear in defiance just yet. “[color=95A5A6]Stealing the dead is an unforgivable crime.[/color]” Gideon stated, stepping just in front of Achel as if to guard her from any potential retaliation. In truth, however, he wished to prevent any hostile discourse from occurring just yet. There were some things he needed to know before he was apprehended, or worse. “[color=95A5A6]The bodies… What exactly do you intend to do with them, anyway? Do you wish to defile the dead, to use the souls of the dearly departed to grow your profane crystals?[/color]” “Souls? Defilement? Nay, nay!” The robed figure laughed. “Dead are dead. A resource like any other. Rotting away here, out of some respect for the gods? Pathetic waste of resources…” He’d clap his hands as the sound of something slithering was heard from above before black globs of slime fell from the ceiling. Spherical in shape, but with hardened bones within their gelatinous bodies. The black slime like creatures would shiver before turning to face Gideon and Achel. “Bodies have quite so many varied uses! Experiments…tools…Manpower…isn’t that right, gravekeeper?” “...Hmm? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She’d chuckle. “Even if I did…I respect the wishes of the dead above all else.” “Hypocrite. All of you! Ah well, no matter. You there! Raam! I will make this offer once. The illuminator extends an invitation to knowledge. You could learn anything you want! What is it you want to know?” The man was masked, but Gideon got the feeling he was staring straight through him. “Of Grams? Yourself? Of…the nature of soul? My my, want a curious suggestion…” “[color=95A5A6]As an adherent to the Forgefather, I believe the dead deserve an honored death, given back to their sworn patron.[/color]” Gideon had stated, raising his spear and clenching it tightly. While he did so, he would scan the slime’s body warily, looking for any sign of its weakness. He’s fought enough of these creatures to know that a single, well-aimed strike would be enough to finish it off. “[color=95A5A6]Your God of Knowledge surely should have [i]illuminated[/i] you on this fact.[/color]” When this ‘core’ would be located, Gideon spun his spear in his hand rapidly. He did this both to intimidate his foe while also allowing for the arc of his spear’s position to be adjusted when needed. “[color=95A5A6]Stand down, call off your creature… or I shall [i]enlighten[/i] you of why ‘War’ is included among the Forgefather’s domains.[/color]” The cores within these slimes were ever changing, but generally, they seemed protected within the deepest part of the slime - their center of mass. The only thing that seemed dangerous was their extreme malleability and ability to resist blunt force attacks against their bodies. “Bah. Everyone in this village has the collective intelligence of a rock.” The man huffed as Gideon would flourish his weapon. “Then let me enlighten you…as to why wars are not won through might alone.” The slimes would swiftly move towards Gideon and Achel, morphing their bodies to use the bones suspended within them as weapons to lash out at Gideon. Swiftly, Gideon positioned himself to interpose their attacks, using his spear to properly deflect the bones. As he moved, he centered his position within the slimes’ flanks, looking to take advantage of their greatest strength. After all, if they shifted their mass to attack in a certain direction, that would leave less mass to guard their core. With a swift strike to test his stratagem, Gideon lunged his spear into one of the slime’s bodies, directed right to their core. The slimes would reach out with their bone-tipped tendrils. Not the most effective weapon, but they were sharpened and fast all the same. As Gideon would swiftly move to ones side and strike out with his spear, the weapon would sink into the thing's body. A muffled clink noise as metal hit another hard substance, the slime’s form shuddering before losing shape entirely. Well, it certainly worked. But there was about five more slimes, and they weren’t content with waiting for him to finish. Two would attempt flanking him, one reaching out with a viscous sticky tendril and latching itself around his ankle. The other launched a bony spear towards his body. The other three were slowly making their way over to Achel. The robed man, for now, simply watched with seeming amusement. Gideon quickly pivoted on his entangled ankle, avoiding the bone spear from striking anything vital before stomping his foot atop the entangling slime’s core. Swiping the sharpened edge of his spear head, Gideon would slice at the bony tendril, looking to sever it entirely from the rest of it. Seeing that Achel was about to be surrounded, however, Gideon would hasten himself. “[color=95A5A6]Achel, use this![/color]” Gideon called, quickly throwing his spear directed at the core of the slime nearest the Gravekeeper while catching the falling bone spear with his foot, scooping the spear while his foot was bent at an angle. With a swift movement, Gideon kicked up to catch the bony spear in his hands before plunging his newly acquired weapon back into the slime’s body, once more aiming for its core. Gideon struck forwards, severing the bony spike from the slimes body. It’d respond with an angry wail, retreating just a bit as it would attempt to reform its body while Gideon tossed his spear towards the Gravekeeper. “E-eh? Weapon?” Achel would deftly avoid a thrust from a bony spike that the nearest slime launched towards her just as Gideon’s spear came hurtling into the body of the slime, ending its gelatinous life with a shuddering squelch as it lost its form. “Ehe, well thank you, don’t mind if I do! Though I must warn you, I have no idea how to use this thing!” She’d grab the spear, using it to rather clumsily keep the slime towards her at bay. The one Gideon had squished would find its core completely crushed under his boot would similarly find the end of its life. The one that he had severed the bony spear from had seemingly ballooned in size, lashing out with a number of hardened tendrils towards the Raam, keeping its core just barely out of the way of the Raam’s reach. Gideon spun his improvised spear like a staff, deflecting the tendrils as he worked on calculating an opening. Well, he’s already found an opening. The issue is moving as fast as his mind could process information. It didn’t help that he also needed to help Achel as well. “[color=95A5A6]Just hold it with two hands and at their cores! Like digging a hole![/color]” Gideon shouted, waiting for his chance to strike. Still, he wasn’t entirely sure Achel would be able to hold her own. To keep track of two enemies at once in the midst of battle, from two opposing sides of the battlefield… Gideon wasn’t sure if his blessing would allow him to think that far ahead. After all, he was a mere scholar, not fit for the likes of grand battle… That did not mean he wasn’t going to try. As soon as he found his opening, Gideon thrusted towards the slime he was facing. However, rather than lunging with his bonespear, he instead jammed his fist into the thing’s body, taking advantage of his metallic skeleton to add greater ripping force into his strike. Clutching at the slime’s core, the Raam would crush it. “Hmm…digging a hole? Like this?” Achel grabbed the spear by the haft, proceeding to stab downwards. She didn’t quite hit the core of the slime in front of her, but the slime would think, that holding onto the weapon was a good idea. At least, until the gravekeeper would hoist the spear back up…and proceed to sling the slime and spear over her shoulder, sending the slime sailing through the air and crashing into a wall behind her. It seemed as though, Gideon didn’t have to worry about her. Calculating all the different variables known and otherwise, seemed to indicate Achel would be fine to fend for herself which left him dealing with this thing in front of him. The tendrils would be severed, falling to the ground before him, the hollow space within the slime a groaning, yawning void that tried to pull Gideon inside only to be met with the Raam’s fist as he’d clutch the things core. It’d attempt to envelope Gideon only to then shudder and lose cohesion as the Raam would crush its core beneath his grip. That left two slimes now. One gunning for Achel who seemed amused by this entire experience and the other warily eyeing Gideon. The robed man still hadn’t moved. Gideon eyed the slime that seemed to pay heed to him as well, curious as to why its attention shifted towards him. Wouldn’t it make more sense for it to continue its approach against Achel? After all, between the two, she seemed to be the closer and easier target. Perhaps Gideon underestimated their sentience… or perhaps… Raising his ooze-covered arm, Gideon held the crushed core forward to the remaining slime, as if to intimidate or perhaps even taunt it. And just as swiftly, he turned to the masked man, chucking the bone spike right for his chest. The slime focusing on Gideon seemed to back off at the cracking of the slime core in his grasp, its gelatinous body shuddering as it would slide away from Gideon. “...Useless, aren’t they? We only made one successful one. Well, we didn’t. He did!” The man would say, smiling under the mask as the bone spike was launched at him. He’d deftly avoid it, dodging to the side though still hadn’t moved from where he was. Something about the way he moved though, seemed a bit odd. Almost as if his movements were too floaty. Not landing his shot on his foe meant one of two things to Gideon. Either his aim was off, or the robed man wasn’t as he seemed. Wishing to believe it was a matter of circumstance rather than the degradation of his own skills, Gideon’s eyes instead searched the room for any evidence of misdirection. Particularly, the Raam searched for any rats of light that seemed out-of-place. After all, this place was hidden away with illusive magic. It would only make sense that the Illuminator's followers were blessed with a similar ability. And such a fear would soon be founded. As Achel would take a moment to rather clumsily fend off the slime still accosting her, Gideon would notice a rather fresh footprint in the tar left behind by the one she had flung and smashed into the wall behind her. Noting the man’s new position, Gideon quickly moved, looking for something to better pierce through the veil that the cultist had placed among himself. However, there was a much more immediate threat to take care of. “[color=95A5A6]Achel! Sweep in a full circle![/color]” The Sage shouted as he ran closer tk her, just a pace or so out of reach as he’d release the possibly sandy fragments of the slime’s core towards the direction of where he believed the man to be. “E-eh? Like this?” Pivoting on her heel, Achel would do as instructed, spinning the spear she had been given in as wide of a circle that she could have. The next actions, happened quickly. Gideon released his pocket sand, the fragments of the core flying towards the mans assumed position. The spear Achel was using would clang against metal as the illusion spell that had been masking the man fell as he became visible once again from deflecting the spear strike. “Tsk tsk, smart little Raam…but not enough!” Masked and fully robed, the fragments of the core smashed harmlessly against his clothing as he’d manage to run up behind Achel, grabbing the spider by the waist before shoving a blade against her neck. “Hehe, as strong as you are…as long as someone has a bargaining chip in battle, it doesn’t matter.” “...aha, this seems dangerous.” Achel jovially replied, completely unconcerned. Shed look at Gideon, still smiling away. Seeing the situation unfold, Gideon thought of his next words carefully. While he wasn’t keen on negotiating with this crazed zealot, he also did not wish for Achel to be hurt for his mistakes. Still, the Gravekeeper seemed to be hiding something about her. Despite the slimes approaching her, he sensed that she was not in any meaningful danger whatsoever. It seemed that the cultist was not the only one who seemed to wear a mask. Gideon had then decided the best course of action was to force both their hands in this scenario. “[color=95A5A6]Bargaining chip? Don’t make me laugh.[/color]” Gideon said, something of a mocking smile forming on his face. “[color=95A5A6]She is not Raam. It matters not to me if the Gravekeeper lives or dies, only that I stopped these bodies from being stolen. If anything, the time it would take for you to slice the Chiraltan’s throat would be just enough for me to get to you and crush that pathetic throat of yours.[/color] “[color=95A5A6]Or perhaps you don’t care about dying, so long as you serve your god’s will. In that case, then I will indeed help you with your profane studies. After all, Grams had forged me not to fight and battle, but to study and learn. Every inhumane experiment, every forbidden ritual written in this temple, taught to you by this ‘Illuminator,’ I will do to you. And I will use all the knowledge I’ve attained in my travels, all the treacherous wisdom hidden in this temple to keep you alive through all of it.[/color]” Gideon’s eyes met Achel’s as he gave her a rather peculiar look. It’s as if he knew just what she was hiding, and he wished for her to reveal it as the cultist’s attention had drifted away from her. The pair of Zealot and Achel both froze. It was almost imperceptible, but Gideon could see a measure of hesitation now in the blade he was holding as it pressed against Achel’s neck. Achel, meanwhile, blinked, smiled innocently and then rolled her eyes with a drawn out sigh and a pout. “Isn’t this supposed to be where the big hero saves the damsel in distress?” She’d retort jokingly. “Y-you’re…lying. You wouldn’t-” “Hmm, Well that’s not a chance I can personally take.” Achel reached up towards the blade at her throat. “So…I guess you want me to handle this, hm? But I don’t have anything to-” “I’m calling your bluff, Raam!” Before Achel even had a moment to finish her words, the blade would immediately slice through her neck, sending her head tumbling down to the ground…yet…there was not a single drop of blood from Achel’s body. In fact, it was somehow, remaining standing and would proceed, to turn around, and grab the man by the throat. “Well, that’s not entirely correct. I do have something I can do.” The man attempted to respond, but he’d find an almost invisible wire wrapping around his neck. Sharp, silken thread slowly, slowly, cutting into his skin. Somehow, Achel’s voice was coming from inside her torso now. “Like My body? I had it specially made by a friendly maid!” The man attempted to speak, but the wire was cutting more and more into his flesh as blood seeped from under the mask and robes, drenching the front of his robe in it. “I reeeallly don’t like being mean, but…if there’s one thing I don’t tolerate…” [i]snap[/i] In the next instant, the mans head was sliced clean off, the body soon falling to the floor with a thud. “Its those who defile the undead. Gideon? Be a dear and pass me my head, hm?” The turn of events left Gideon at a loss for words. It was such an unbelievable scenario, yet it all made sense in the end. There was no immediate danger to the Gravekeeper’s life because her true form already sported adequate protection. It was a surprise for sure, but a welcome one. Letting out an exasperated sigh as his sadistic facade was removed, Gideon made his way to Achel’s… severed head, picking it up and examining it with a fair bit of interest. Was her hair real or synthetic? Was her flesh leather or porcelain? The more Gideon pondered on the nature of Achel’s external body, the more he felt… unnerved. As if he had experienced something like this before. “[color=95A5A6]... Ah, My apologies. I did not mean to risk your life in such a way..[/color]” Gideon stated, bowing his head to Achel’s beheaded form. “[color=95A5A6]If it were truly a gamble, I would not have taken the course of actions I chose… but I was curious. No matter how dire the situation had gotten, I did not once feel an iota of danger for your life. Even with that knife to your neck, I did not once fear for your life.[/color]” Passing Achel’s head back to her, Gideon would stop just a few inches away from her grasp. “[color=95A5A6]... What are you, really, Gravekeeper? And why did you choose me, of all those in the village, for help?[/color]” The gravekeepers head was…immaculately crafted. The skin seemed similar enough to pass for normal skin. The hair, seemed just as soft and silky as any hair…in fact, running his hand through it it seemed like it might indeed, actually be some sort of silk material. What he could tell though, was that under the fake skin was an immaculately crafted porcelain serving as a skeleton. Inside the head was a hollow space, though, big enough for a small creature to be able to climb into. Numerous strands of silk seemed to cross to various parts inside of the skull. Plucking on one would cause the mouth or eyes to move. “Ehe, no need to apologize. Curiosity is healthy to have and it was amusing watching you forcing my own hand, hehe. Hmm, but to answer that question…” Achel’s body would grow still, arms outstretched seemingly ready to accept the return of her head. A few seconds later, from the neck of the puppet…a spider, about the size of ones palm would pop its body out of the hole. Its body was white, speckled with orange and covered in a few bits of fur here and there. “Hello dear, its me, Achel! Just a friendly little spider. I’m sure you’ve seen my bigger brothers and sisters if you’ve ever seen a caravan of ours.” “[color=95A5A6]... Ahh, I see. A clever use of Chiraltan silk, if I do say so myself.[/color]” Gideon applauded the craftsmanship of Achel’s guise. It was quite poetic, given the Sage’s knowledge of the nature of insects and their exoskeletons. “[color=95A5A6]I am familiar with those born under Tythera’s stars, yet I can’t say I have met one of your stature, or skill with the weaving of silk.[/color]” Placing Achel’s head back in her arms, Gideon would bow his own once more. “[color=95A5A6]Still, you did not answer my second question. Why me? Even among the strangers of this village, why put your trust in a bulky and obtuse Raam to traverse these delicate crypts?[/color]” “Ehe, lets just say I’m a special little spider even by our standards…” Achel responded, though there was an odd wistfulness to her voice as the spider in question would disappear back inside of the puppets body, its limbs accepting the head and bringing it back up to her neck. “As for why I called out to you…hm…you know how my kind have a special connection with Ealdir and Tythera? All I can say is that…it felt right, you know?” She’d hold the head tight against her body, a few strands of silk attaching it firmly to her shoulders. Nothing too unusual about that. Chiralta were somewhat infamous for giving such cryptic and not exactly easy to logic out answers. “Mhm, a few repairs…should be easy, ahem. Also…well…A hollow soul such as yourself, perhaps I felt a bit of kinship, hehe…” Gideon would be certain at least, he wasn’t getting the whole truth out of the spider, but she didn’t seem like she was going to answer much more unless pressed. “[color=95A5A6]... I see.[/color]” Gideon simply nodded, taking note of her comment revolving the nature of his soul. He pondered for a moment what this meant, but did not choose to press further. Instead, he looked back to their environment, specifically the slimes and the dead cultist. “[color=95A5A6]I presume we shall be returning the bodies to their proper resting places. As far as this mess goes, though, what should we do about it? Do you plan to bury this misguided soul among with the rest of the villagers?[/color]” Gideon asked, kicking at the beheaded body of the man. “[color=95A5A6]And what of the slimes?[/color]” The slimes in question had slithered away from Achel and Gideon both, taking shelter in the dark corners of the room. “Hmm…I’ll take the dead back to the crypts. Its my job, after all to ensure these souls are guided to the afterlife.” The spider giggled softly, walking over to the cultist. Slowly, she’d pull off the mask from his head, frowning as his face was revealed. “, don’t recognize him. Not part of the village? Or more of the illuminator’s tricks?” Still, Achel would collect his head, turning back to smile at gideon. “Hehe, doesn’t matter. Its my job, after all, to see souls where they go in death…especially those…of sinners.” A decidedly sinister giggle came from the spider as she’d pivot on her heels, grabbing Gideon by the shoulders and attempting to usher him out of the room. “The slimes seem mostly harmless so don’t mind them. I’ll clean everything up and take care of everything. Ta-ta now the crypts are no place for the living or undead unaffiliated.” Gideon nodded in agreement with Achel, believing it best to leave everything to her for now. Still, he wondered about just what could be used here. While he wasn’t tempted to join the Cult of the Illuminator just yet, he still believed what was down here can be used for the good of the village. “[color=95A5A6]Let me help you clean this place up some time. I have to meet with the hunters not too long from now, but I believe we could convert even this part of the crypts into something that can be useful for the village. A place of research, perhaps, except this time not dedicated to a malefic deity… if I have your blessing, of course.[/color] “[color=95A5A6]As for the slimes, I believe they too can be put to use for the village. Making more of them is clearly out of the question, but if their mere existence isn’t antithetical to your duties, it could benefit us to have them serve a purpose instead of roam around aimlessly. And if I could study them more, I can figure out a way to stop more of the Illuminator’s followers from harming Dawn further.[/color]” In any case, Gideon agreed that it was time to leave for now, although he made sure to grab the papers of research he had left and marked for himself in the study before ascending back to Dawn. He’d also make sure to help barricade the lower chambers where more of the crystals were growing, as well. "Now now, no need to rush. There's plenty of time for the both of us, ehe...come back in a few days, mhm? Oh, and if you could keep my little secret a secret, that'd be wonderful, eheh~" And with that, the two would head out of the old ruins, back through the main crypt, and back out through the chapel once more. [/hider]