[quote=@Timemaster] [@Lucky] Hi! This looks quite interesting! Would our characters have to be natives to the islands or can they have come from other lands? Without spoiling the story etc, can you give more details about the purpose of the rumours? As in, will they have any other scope other than what was already stated? [/quote] Characters may come from distant lands, as shown by the map there are other large countries throughout the world. Than'dyr is simply the starting place as I've got concrete ideas for what's going on there already. The rumors can work two-fold: A. they serve as a bit of a narrative device that defines not only your character's potential backstory but also their own perception of said rumor, B. can serve as a driving motive for your character. Besides those functions, it's just another bit of fun that shows the things we know about people are usually just what they show/tell us, and can never truly verify its validity. Also, it's what sets up other PCs and NPCs that may have heard of you before. The more you adventure and rumors spread, the larger your reputation and potential can go. Just make sure they're good rumors ;) [quote=@Dark Cloud] oof got excited then saw Advanced, looks really cool but I find anything higher than Casual intimidating. Good luck bruv. [/quote] Well I ask for ~2-3 paragraphs per post. I prefer it to be succinct. If this keeps your interest, then I'd be excited to see what you come up with! Otherwise, I appreciate your stopping by!