No sooner than she had turned up and nervously shuffled into the group accumilating in front of the Manor [b][color=gold]SOMEONE FREAKING PORTALED IN LIKE IT WAS FREAKING NOTHING![/color][/b]. CREATURES! HUNTERS! DANGER! The letter was all real. Had to be now. It was the only explanation. Other people could do magic, and it was different to hers. More impressive too, not that this was a contest. And congregated here, where the letter said too. Her heart and mind were still racing, locked into fight or flight mode, what could the others do? How long had they been studying? What had they found before they turned up? Did they all get the exact same letter? Stop. Slow down. Release the grip before someone gets hurt. No one else seems quite as worried about all this. Breathe. But wow... This is what she'd been looking for, all this time. Hours in libraries and Museums, here in the states and abroad, even the smallest clue that someone could do anything that defied natural law like she exerienced. Nothing but fakes and frauds, people desperate for attention and money, drowning out anyone who might have had an actual talent. But not today. Freaking portals, dude. She sighed with relief, finally some answers. Her facial expression softened from nervous with fear to nervous with excitement. Now that the danger was over for now, maybe she could play it a little more cool-ly than she had been. Pushing her glasses back up her nose, she retrieved her letter from her pocket, careful not to also retreive the other thing. She smiled at Sally. [quote=@redraider1] "So, you all got the weird, creepy letter too? I'm Sally. Sally Jenkins. I-" "I see dead people." [/quote] [color=gold]"Yeah, bizarre huh? I couldn't sleep, thought I was going to get abducted, sold at auction to the highest bidder like a prize heifer at a cattle market and made someone's seventeenth wife, if I was lucky. Gwyndolyn, by the way."[/color] Hold up. Portals are real. She wasn't joking. Gwyndolyn was facinated. [color=gold]"You really see dead people?"[/color]