[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5FqwUwv.jpg?1[/img] [h3][b][color=00aeef]Chinami Nadakai[/color][/b][/h3][/center] [@Dezuel] Daylight came with the unpleasant realization that she'd barely slept a wink and still managed to have her body loyally wake her at the usual time. Glaring groggily at the 7:04 AM searing out at her from her phone's screen, Chinami sighed and resigned herself to the day ahead. At least her body was still somewhat refreshed from Reverio's healing, so it's not like she had gone to bed completely [i]physically[/i] wasted or anything. Habitually, she ran through her morning stretches and mild martial exercises, barely thinking about them, before recalling that she had laundry to handle. A quick trip to the washroom to retrieve the coat from the washing machine and toss it in the dryer, and it was back to the daily grind. Perhaps spurred by the inklings of an actual plan of what the hell to do with herself today, her return to physical exertions was filled with notably more enthusiasm, enough to feel less emotionally deadened. After working up a sweat and riding high on the endorphins such a completed task elicited in her, Chinami knew another shower was in order despite just taking one the night before. The event itself, however, was briefly waylaid by the sight of her ruined clothes still lying openly on the floor, eliciting a palm being smacked to her forehead and a groan of self-recrimination. Luckily, her mother obviously hadn't been in here since Chinami had last night. Otherwise... Well, there were questions she really didn't feel like answering right now. [color=00aeef]"I'm losing my fucking touch,"[/color] the ravenette sighed, before setting about disposing of the evidence of last night's... indiscretions. A several-layered garbage bag was soon thereafter deposited none to gently into the garbage bin outside. In the end, the pants had gone in with the rest. She didn't have the patience to consider repairing them. The shower itself didn't make her feel much cleaner, but it did make her feel more human. [color=00aeef]"Not that being human is really much of a compliment, eh?"[/color] she muttered, scrubbing the suds deep into her scalp. Snorting, she cupped a small puddle of water in her hands from the showerhead above and splashed her face, clearing the soapy water drifting down her forehead before it could get into her eyes. Leaning back, a final deep rinse cleared her head of floral goodness, and she set about her body. Not feeling like running up the hot water bill unnecessarily again, Chinami reluctantly called things off far more quickly than the night before, luxuriating only a glorious twenty minutes under the hot spray instead of nearly an hour. Steaming satisfactorily, and after squeezing as much humidity from her hair as she could without using her Spirit, Chinami padded from the shower onto a preprepared towel on the floor and snagged another from the wide sink counter, humming lightly as she dried off. As was her habit, plain undergarments were pulled on first, and the addition of an autonomous pair of hands made securing the bra trivial. Pulling on fresh jeans, she frowned at a light chafing sensation and rolled her shoulders till the bra straps seemingly got over themselves. Buttoning her pants up, she fiddled with the upper underwear, before scowling in annoyance. [color=00aeef]"Bigger again? What the hell?"[/color] She clucked her tongue, resigned to going shopping far sooner than she'd expected... again. [color=00aeef]"When in doubt, blame Mina, I guess. I really need to learn to say no when she offers..."[/color] Shaking her head, Chinami shoved down the familiar flush and donned a dark grey sweater, humming in satisfaction at cutting off the chill of bare skin against air. [hr] Hair dried and combed, Chinami scrubbed and rinsed her breakfast dishes before sliding them into the dishwasher. Her mother was already bustling about, preparing for the house party. Thankfully, she seemed to have actually opted for the caution of using her wheelchair to move the food to the car. Of course, Chinami didn't see any reason not to help with that and expedite things. The sooner her mother was out of the house, the less likely she would have to deal with annoying questions about where [i]she[/i] was going today. A less than full-hearted farewell from Chinami half an hour later, and Harumi was on her way. Chinami, for her part, retrieved Reverio's coat from the dryer and gave it a once over, frowning thoughtfully. It was hard to tell if the treatment of the washing machine and dryer had been too rough for the swanky-looking article. Her memory was good, but not exactly photographic, and she'd not bothered to use her Spirit's eyesight to really inspect it in excruciating detail the night before. She halfway considered trying to repair it but dismissed the thought. She was no seamstress. Not even close. Life on the road had taught her how to do field repairs and roughly patch and sew things up... including broken skin, but there was nothing she could do here that wouldn't tarnish the coat's splendor almost worse than the holes already did. That settled, she neatly folded the sleeves and tucked the coat up, glancing at her distinctly empty wrist and then the kitchen clock. It was a little past 8 AM now. Briefly squeezing her crimson eyes shut, Chinami tallied up yet another thing to add to her list of needs. Her watch had been lost in the battle, incinerated by the light beams breaking from her skin most likely. She hadn't really noticed until now, to be honest, but she suddenly distinctly recalled never placing it on her bedside table. Pinching her nose, Chinami sighed and grumbled, tucking the folded coat under one arm. New bras... again. New watch. Oh, and new [i]shoes[/i] too for that matter. Her pair from the night before were as much a lost cause as anything else she'd been wearing, and it was only fortunate that she had a slightly too-tight older pair to fall back on for now. Her personal funds were going to be hurting... Especially over the shoes and bras. Fucking bra prices could roast in the pits. Before all that though, it was time to fulfill her word. [hr] The lock tumbler clattered and clicked to her Spirit's senses, as Chinami withdrew her house key and tucked it into the appropriate pocket of her jeans. Withdrawing her phone, she flipped to her notes and muttered, [color=00aeef]"Alto Road... 34 C..."[/color] She inputted the address into the GPS, [i]definitely not[/i] thinking about the moment she had first received it. [color=00aeef][i]'In and out, or extended visit?[/i]'[/color] she mused, before shaking her head. [color=00aeef][i]'Don't be ridiculous, girl. The coat was imposing on him enough, and as much as that 'fire pigeon' or whatever sounds neat, he surely has more pressing things to do than entertain guests this early.'[/i][/color] As she briefly zoomed out the GPS map and mentally adjusted her view of the world to approximate its position from her physically, Chinami considered taking the rooftops to expedite things and then shook her head. It was broad daylight, and she wasn't looking to make a scene. And besides, she was already likely making a nuisance of herself coming this early. Any extra time she provided him to recover from the day before would surely be appreciated. Nodding to herself, Chinami set out for a good long walk and inhaled the outdoors air with a relaxed sigh. It was the weekend, so really, there was hardly any rush. Regardless of keeping her word, she had the luxury to be able take her time. [hr] Nearly an hour later, as she languidly approached the designated place of residence, Chinami found herself blinking in surprise and then shooting a curious glance at the coat tucked under her arm. For someone dressed like Reverio... she genuinely hadn't been expecting a bog-standard apartment complex. Raising a single brow, Chinami crossed the parking lot and began her search. Thankfully, it didn't take all that long, given the place she was looking for was apparently on the first floor. Honestly, in hindsight, his address had seemed a little off to her before, but now that she realized it was the address for an apartment room, questions she didn't know she had were well and truly answered. Tucking her long raven hair behind one ear, Chinami fidgeted, making one final check of the address, before knocking on the door and waiting.