[@wierdw] "W-well, there's a bit of a situation I have to..." Sir Landon glanced at the first mate, who had been standing by, listening without a word. The nobleman huffed and gave him a disapproving look, before turning back to 'Lilly'. "Err, I suppose it can wait. I shall gladly join you for tea, Miss Lilly." The nobleman smiled charmingly at her before taking her arm and heading towards the dining room, his page following after them, shooting a nervous smile at 'Alice'. "So Yolande is your cousin, then! How quaint! My sister Colette is the bride, whose wedding I'm on my way to attend. 'Tis a small world, isn't it?" Sir Landon showed Lilly to a table, before gesturing at a crewmate to come to their service, the man reluctantly making his way over with a scowl. "Hello, yes, could you get myself and Miss Lilly here some tea? The best you've got, of course," he addressed the crewmate as if they were a servant, to the man's displeasure. "Get it yourself, [i]'Sir'[/i]. I ain't no waiter. It's self serve here," the man replied in an annoyed tone, before pacing off. "Hey! Hey get BACK here!" Landon gestured frustratedly, to no avail, as the other crewmates all shied away from him as well. "Can you believe the service here!?" he turned to Lilly in offended disbelief. "Outrageous! Luca, please fetch us some tea, will you?" The page quickly nodded and hurried into the kitchen. Landon turned back to Lilly, taking a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves from the atrocity he had just been subjected to. "--So where was I?... Ah, yes, my sister's wedding. Surely, you must attend? In fact, you could come with me. That's all the invitation you'd need. What do you say about that?" the nobleman chimed with lofty nonchalance, his eyes shamelessly straying down towards Lilly's 'assets' every so often.