[b][i]Ken[/i][/b] [i]You have friends now,[/i] Ken thought to himself. [i]Now the hard part is keeping them as friends, especially when they have obvious romantic tension and look good together.[/i] His parents had finally agreed to drive him to Reverio's apartment complex but told him in no uncertain terms that if the 'Nightman Incident' was repeated again, he was grounded. Either way, he arrived in the apartment room and knocked on the door, saying in a clear, but not loud tone, "It's me, Ken! I presume I was invited in, right?" He had the feeling that this was more than a social call, that there was emotional baggage from their pasts to bring up and go through before being finally resolved. [i]Just because you know your true goals does not mean they'd be any easier. If anything, they'd probably bring up how naive and idealistic those goals are and urge me to find something else,[/i] those were Ken's private thoughts. [@Dezuel][@Lewascan2]