--elsewhere in existence-- [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/fa/45/63/fa4563ad97ec1324271da542bad026e8.jpg[/img] *a large battle between vile, disgusting amaranthine creatures and an EDB Battalion rages on within a space station orbiting in EDB Airspace, the soldiers doing their best to limit the damages to the ship itself whilst also struggling to combat their enemy* [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d7/71/c1/d771c1ac311f7ad5479decb850b11e2c.png[/img] Commander Briggs: Devil Dogs! Take the right flank throught the lab to pinch them in the hallway! We're gonna jettison these bastards into the void. Sergeant 1: Sir! *takes three other soldiers with me* Sergeant 2: My squad and I are running low on ammo, permission to switch to A-C Rounds? It'll be more effective on their defensive capabilities. Com. Briggs: ....Wait until team 1's in place for the plan. Then you'll be weapons free with that ammo. We wanna keep the hull intact as much as possible. Make sure your respirators are on and intact beforehand. Not trying to have you die by space either. Armor sealed tight, boys. We're in for a hell of a ride. *an energy blast hits just above us, dropping some metal scrap from the ceiling onto the group. Most dodge the environmental hazard, whilst one is flattened by a steel beam, blood spurting from the crakc in his helmet* Com. Briggs: Damnit! We can't afford to loose men, right now. Push back to point B, half of you flank right with Team 1 but on the southern part of the parallel corridor. Soldier 1: Sir, that'll leave us with less firepower to draw their attention! Com. Briggs: We'll [i]make[/i] it work. We don't exactly have a choice.