Yoshinaga glanced around. The seats were suspiciously empty, as if everyone else had left in a big hurry... well, empty except for a few people with their heads at unnatural angles. She moved towards the voice. "I can't see out of one eye and I feel like I was used as a chew toy by the world's largest dog," she replied, "but I'm alive. Doesn't feel like anything's broken, anyways." Her vision was adjusting to the relative darkness of the cabin. It was another young woman, perhaps a few years younger than Koi. "You okay? Where is everyone?" Yoshinaga was beginning to think more clearly now. She was processing all the information she could process at the moment. She had been on a flight from Guam to Japan. There had been turbulence, almost out of the blue. Everything went dark. Something knocked her out. The plane had crashed somewhere, and now there weren't any other living people around. Just her and this other woman.