[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4dMorzN.png[/img][/center] [@Rune_Alchemist] The very moment Niall put the Axe in the Tuatha's hands it was as if he felt it was some sort of mistake. Up to that point it didn't really cross his mind that Tuathas, like Humans, could widely vary from one individual to another. The ones that raised him were calm, collected and secluded - what about this one? It turned out to be revealed very soon that he wasn't as collected. [color=bc8dbf]"W-what you came here from? No, we have to leave, if you follow me I..."[/color] but he couldn't finish the sentence before the Formorian lady caught them. Niall took the opportunity when the Formorian dodged the attack to grab his own weapon, now at the ready. Niall knew he could take on the bandits outside if they came rushing in her - they could forge a way outside and, from there, escape the camp. He wasn't sure about the Formorian or her creations, so fighting a way out seemed like the safer choice. [color=bc8dbf]"Look."[/color] he said to the Tuatha [color=bc8dbf]"I freed you to spare you their horrible fate. I have a duty and Oaths to keep - help me fight out of this camp. No point in throwing your life away now, is there? We can still take them if we go [i]now[/i]."[/color] With that, Niall was ready to use his speed to charge the humans blocking his way out and take them by surprise before they could form up if the Tuatha agreed to fight their way out. If he refused, then Niall would need to use the chaos and escape anyway. He gave this man a chance, but his own Knight's vows were more important than dying for an...obviously not all there Tuatha.