[quote=@Sniblet] Two ideas -Comically mysterious raven-haired/white-haired woman from the ancient race of plot devices- I mean elves ("comically" might mean no one can remember her name, no one can read her handwriting, and/or the adventurer's guild she works for doesn't remember hiring her, much to her elegantly concealed annoyance) [hider=elf-chan] [color=white] [center][img]Character Portrait/Faceclaim Here[/img] [h1]elf-chan[/h1] F || ~70 (69 this year, but she’s not telling anyone) || Light Elf/Dark Elf [sub][i]"Come find me… where the waters meet dreams…"[/i][/sub] [/center] [hr ][hr ] [h2]Personality[/h2] [h2]Appearance[/h2] [h2]Biography[/h2] [h2]Powers & Abilities[/h2] [/color] [/hider] -The chuuni catgirl little sister who actually does have powers but they just never go her way (she poses and yells a spell name and something unrelated in the background explodes) [hider=catgirl-chan] [color=white] [center][img]Character Portrait/Faceclaim Here[/img] [h1]catgirl-chan[/h1] F || 13 || Catgirl-chan [sub][i]"You would challenge my Superior Divine Intellect?! ANTI-PEACEU!!"[/i][/sub] [/center] [hr ][hr ] [h2]Personality[/h2] [h2]Appearance[/h2] [h2]Biography[/h2] [h2]Powers & Abilities[/h2] [/color] [/hider] [/quote] >I think we could do with an elf. Maybe one who can't be remembered because she randomly shifts between her dark and light forms, possibly with a personality change in the process? Not saying that has to be the case, just an idea. Also, do close both hr tags, so remove the space between the r and closing ], that way they display properly on the final sheet.