[@Anza] [hider=Thoughts on Michel and Fu Hao] Alright, so I don't see anything that lunges at me as a problem with Michel - had a bit of a gut reaction to seeing his EX Rank Quality, but that is well and balanced by his E Rank Quantity. Interesting bit of overlap with other Masters, as well, which is a plus. His Minor Magecrafts are harmless, and his Major Magecrafts are pretty unique. My only curiosity is: why not a unique Mystic Code? Beyond that, I like him, and he's good to go in my book. As for Fu Hao, again, nothing that is flagging up warnings with the character and her Skills. I like that her [Oracle] Skill affords her synergy with Chabi, while her [Tactics] Skill plays very well with Robin Hood's [Subversive Actions] Skill. Like her Master, she definitely gives off team player vibes with the overlap, and I dig it. The only thing I can really pick issue with is the vagueness of her Noble Phantasm. I would suggest, for the sake of consistency, making a small list - like, ten items that she'll draw on most often. Otherwise, she has a small-scale combination of [Gate of Babylon] and [Unlimited Blade Works] to just pull whatever works out of it. I'm not against her using it to pull out a Deus ex Machina (sparringly, mind), but that's much more up the alley of a Caster, and not a Lancer - feels more reasonable, to me, if she's pulling blindly from a warehouse, and doesn't always get the perfect tool for the job. If I was to do it, it would be a list of 10 Items, with #10 being "Deus ex Machina", and you just roll a 1d10 to draw, say, 3/Singularity while keeping your 1/Singularity to allow Fu Hao the right of summoning Mala Mala Jong to kick ass. All in all, I like Fu Hao. I just need her NP to be a little more defined to its not able to break a scenario - you saw my list suggestion. Beyond that, she's good to good overall.[/hider][hr][@The Irish Tree] [hider=Thoughts on Samson] Since you asked, I've reviewed Samson's Skill. Aside from tidying up a bit, there's nothing overtly wrong with any of them. Samson is Diet Hercules, so he's going to look a bit overpowered on paper, but his glut of weakness keep him balanced in a way that Mr. Nine Lives, Twelve Labors Merkules is not. Personally, I would shorten and tighten up [Vows] to read a bit quicker to the point, I feel that [Aptitude] is just fine, as is, and [Destruction] is fair on the grounds that you're able to best on Sabres, Lancers, and Beserkers in one-on-fight-me-bro combat, but Archers and Casters have you at range, while Assassins and Riders can hit-and-run you. I would say, however, you Noble Phantasm should be a Trigger-type that only functions whenever Samson's hair is cut and he's at his weakest point, because that plays better into Samson's strength being the core of his character, and you have have the Noble Phantasm regrow his hair in acknowledgement that he was gifted a second chance in that temple to overcome his foes - could even have [Destruction] only come into effect once his Noble Phantasm is activated, as that truly was Samson's final act. Just a thematic detail that comes to mind.[/hider][hr][@Silverstein], [@SSW] Pretty much what Rez said.