Is it in question that Redana dives into the engine room? No. No, it is not. As soon as she sees that vast and familiar hall filled with mist and flowers, an otherworld to match Elysium, the heart of that horrible jungle she thought she had defeated when she buried Sagakhan beneath the sands, she’s fumbling with her clothes. Out come the goggles from one pocket, pulled down over her eyes, even as her mother’s eye traces paths through the mist: her destination laid out as it is destined. Up comes her scarf, pulled over her face, making an airtight seal with a trace of her fingers along its edges. But before she does, she stops, just for a moment, aware of who’s next to her. Bella. Bella, beautiful, questionably loyal, an enigma, but— “You don’t have to follow me,” Dany says. “I’ll come back this time. I promise.” And then, her duty done, hoping desperately that Bella will wait [i]this[/i] time, Dany opens her eye and jumps, for once in sync with her mother’s eye: it traces out the steps it knows she can take, highlights where she will need to vault over hissing cabling and duck beneath sickly-sweet orchids, allows her to immerse herself in the moment, this moment. [Dany Overcomes with a [b]9[/b], marking a narrative use of her Spacer’s Uniform to continue. This triggers her Survivor move, which she will use to get to Alexa quickly, avoiding any harm along the way, but not quietly.]