[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/7VzgY22/pit.png[/img] Word Count: 509 (+1 exp) [u]Level[/u]: [b]2[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 15/20 [b]Location[/b]: Smash City Alcamoth[/center] It was Pit's second meeting in as many days, though the meeting with Deadman and his group concerning Midgar, the Deadzone, and everything else felt like it could have been months ago. It had been a lot of information all at once, with some heavy subjects and of course requests for help. Now, Princess Peach would be bringing the situation up to her own team of light-seeking veterans as they decided their next course of action. Pit was waiting as patiently as possible for the "Blue Team" to filter into the room. He rocked back and forth slightly on his feet, and his wings twitched every now and then. It wasn't that he was unused to meetings like this. He had a day job as a captain, he wasn't out saving the world [i]all[/i] the time. So yeah, he was used to listening and even running this kind of thing. But at the moment he just felt so restless, he couldn't help but fidget. Firstly, he still hadn't caught wind of any clues to his goddess' whereabouts. The Dead Zone's recon team had split up after yesterday - he assumed Yuri went to look into reverse engineering her camera with the professor, while he didn't know what Nero, Banjo and Kazooie were up to. And the crew that had picked them up aboard the Virgin Victory went to fetch another contingent of Seekers from the desert, among them Asbestos who they'd only just met. Pit was going to go with them, but at the last minute he decided to stay at the Alcamoth. So here he was, full of pent-up energy and awaiting the meeting to start. When people began to make their way inside, Pit could get a look at the group. He recalled when they set off from Smash City the other day, though he hadn't seen a lot of them. He only personally knew Peach and the Bowsers, the rest of them didn't even look familiar. And honestly, two of the three hardly looked familiar, what with their spirit changes. In particular the Koopa King looked even more intimidating than when they first met all those years ago with all those weird things coming out of his shell, but Pit had already gotten over his nervousness around the villain (mostly), so he didn't hesitate to jump in before Mewtwo and answer the Koopa's question. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"They're just fine!"[/color] Pit announced, taking a step forward so he was closer to the room's center. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"The Wonderful's airship went to go pick them all up after their [i]successful[/i] boss battle!"[/color] He grinned widely, happy to share the good news as though he'd been there himself. As it was, he was more like a proud upperclassmen talking about his contemporaries' achievements. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Last I heard they made it to Gerudo Town safe and sound."[/color] Even more of the Seekers began filtering in after that, all equally parts strange and interesting. After the latest entered and spoke with the princess about a warning or some such, he waved his staff to close the door... [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190924/544c85ab5c75bc61a4bb5ce40dc0caa6.png[/img] [color=salmon]Word Count: 498 (+1 exp)[/color] [color=salmon][u]Level[/u]: [b]9[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 102/90 [b]Location:[/b] Smash City Alcamoth[/color][/center] ...which opened only seconds after it was closed. On the other side was the Ace Cadet, who rubbed gingerly at his nose and gave the offending door a harsh look. He stepped into the room, wearing one of the more casual outfits he'd purchased yesterday. The pack was present on his back, holding his armor and most of his weapons. He'd been absolutely delighted to pack it all into the square bag, and now he had like, a traveling arsenal at the ready! If the group set off today as soon as they were done planning their next move, he'd be ready to go without having to run back to his equipment. Besides the ship rigging the sword and shield was the only thing he kept on him at the moment, as the weight of a weapon was, if nothing else, comforting. Of course there were already other Seekers inside, and some other faces as well. He couldn't recall ever seeing the humanoid... hairless cat... thing before, but since it was standing by Peach he went ahead and guessed that it had something important to say. The Cadet did a double take at the monochrome kid that would eventually enter the room, but since his eyes weren't red that must be his natural look. There was also a young looking angel, that the Cadet did remember from when he'd dropped of his scoutflies for the Alcamoth's mercenaries. In fact he remembered that the winged boy had been grossed out by the bugs, and the memory brought a little grin to the hunter's face. The scoutfly cage was actually back in possession as of this morning. With the flies propagated, the mercenaries could continue to breed and care for their own for use in their missions, while the Cadet took possession of the cage itself again. That, too, was on his person - attached to his belt like a glowing keychain. [color=salmon]"Morning everyone,"[/color] The Cadet said to his fellow Seekers, though to the more unfamiliar boys he gave a friendly smile and a [color=salmon]"Heya."[/color] Naturally he drew close to the bright table at the center of the room, and though he could instantly tell there was a map illuminated on it's surface it took him a moment to realize this was the same map he'd seen the other day, the old parchment that showed the world they all found themselves in now. [color=salmon]"Whoa, how'd you manage this? It's way Ya-cool."[/color] He too leaned over the map, inspecting it. This version was a lot more in-depth than the original, as it seemed someone was filling in areas as information was learned about them. He spotted Lumbridge, in the Land of Adventure where he'd spent his gleaming days. Back then he never imagined what would happen next, if he had even been capable of it in the first place. After a few minutes of trying to commit the map to memory the Cadet stood up straight and loosely crossed his arms. [color=salmon]"Back to business then."[/color] The day off had been amazing, with all the food and fun. And personally he was happy to have connected more with Nadia. Ultimately though, duty called - there were still plenty more of Galeem's Guardians out there after all.