[color=6ecff6][b][h3]Reverio Galand[/h3][/b][/color] As the door closed behind him, Rev had breathed out a heavy sigh. That had been so awkward and embarassing. He had not felt so humiliated in his entire life. There was nothing graceful in slipping on the floor at all. Not even his getup, or lack thereof was going to save him from that disgrace. [color=6ecff6][i]'Well, at least she didn't laugh at me. I should really start looking where I put my feet.'[/i][/color] He pulled at his own hair slightly in distress before he gave out another sigh, this was not the time to have a mental breakdown but to get into a more respectable attire. Or any attire for that matter. He didn't waste time in getting dress, and slid piece after piece on and attached the ruffles at his neck, clasped the belt parts together and adjusted his hair. His gaze fell on the empty spot above the bathroom sink, at least the mirror was not there anyone to mock him. The blonde took a soft inhale and then opened the bathroom door. [color=6ecff6][b]"My sincerest appologies for the delay and my lack of proper attire."[/b][/color] Rev gave a deep bow towards Chinami, his blue eyes shimmering with sincerity. Before they darted to the side and he noticed his Phoenix-pigeon with the towel on it. [color=6ecff6][b]"Oh no!"[/b][/color] He reached out to grab the towel from the now dampened bird, thankfully the bird was unharmed. Perhaps due to it's quite large size, or it's slight elemental nature. This particular bird species had natural heat eminating from them, much like how a radiator would behave. So by the time Rev took the towel from it, it had been dried up by a fair amount. The blonde scurried into the bathroom to hang it up and then he washed his hands, before scurrying out to the kitchen and preparing something which he could offer his guest. When Reverio finally showed up in front of Chinami, over by the small table right in front of his couch he placed down the silver tray with the food on it. The tray held a bowl filled with grapes, a couple of red apples, strawberries and some smaller fruits and berries of various kind. Right next to the bowl was a pitcher with ice-cool tea which had been flavoured perfectly in mimicry to the kind served in his homeland. There were three cups on the tray aswell and three small plates which one could place the goodies upon. The tray also had a baguette lying on it, flanked by two brioché, which were two smaller rounded bread pieces that were soft to the touch. A small wounded cup also held some whipped cream, and right next to it was a small plate with a various amount of small cheese pieces. [color=6ecff6][b]"Please help yourself to some refreshments. I am very grateful that you found the time to come and visit me, I have something important to tell you and I want to ask you something aswell."[/b][/color] Rev said in a serious, yet still friendly manner as he poured up some ice-cool tea for Chinami in one of the finely decorated porcelain cups. [color=6ecff6][b]"I was trying to find the right size of cup for you, I hope these are allright for you?"[/b][/color] There was a slight bit of worry that the porcelain was not on par with that of the people from Albion. While he wasn't a porcelain fanatic, he still felt the need to at least do better than the people that came from there. The now dressed blonde, shifted abit on his feet before he gradually lowered himself into a kneeling fashion akin to knight before a queen. His now light blue coat and white shirt making him look like a fancy pirate. He did have a bird after all. But no peg leg, eyepatch or hat though. [color=6ecff6][b]"I want to tell you something..."[/b][/color] He said in a soft tone of voice, one of his hands slid into one of his coat pocket. But before he had a chance to ask what he wanted to ask, he heard a knocking. [color=6ecff6][b]"Oh? Oh.. there's someone at the door!"[/b][/color] Reverio slowly rose up to his feet again. Why now of all times? It better not be one of those religious fanatics trying to recruit him. [color=6ecff6][b]"A moment, if you will, fair miss Chinami."[/b][/color] He offered another highly appologetic bow with his head., before he marched over towards the door, on his way there he heard a voice. [color=6ecff6][i]'Oh! It's Ken... The timing!'[/i][/color] The young man strode over to the door, and fake coughed into his hand. He was in a good mood, surely Ken who was the heir to the throne of Izumo was not immune to humor. [color=6ecff6][b]"I am sorry! The clinic is closed for the time being!"[/b][/color] Reverio said in a jesting manner, his eyes closed as he raised one hand to his mouth to hold back his snickering. Before he unlocked the door and opened it. [color=6ecff6][b]"Just jesting! Glad to see you are coming to pay a visit, Lord Ikari. I was hoping you would join us today, for I was hoping to speak to you about something. Miss Chinami is already inside, please come in and help yourself to some refreshments."[/b][/color] Reverio motioned with his whole arms for Ken to step inside, the blonde would have waited and then closed and locked the door behind him then joined with them over by the table and the various comfy furniture. [color=6ecff6][b]"I have some questions about what you two know about Nightman, and if miss Chinami knows what happened to him. But first I would like to share something with you two, because I feel that you two are the only ones I could share this with. The only ones I can trust. A thing I have been carrying with me for three years, and I wonder if it may have played a part in Nightman chosing me to be one of the people he lured to his clinic yesterday. I realize that I cannot, I should not keep things from either one of you, as this involves you aswell. We are now a trinity, connected and treading upon a similar path. That said let me tell you the truth of my past."[/b][/color] Reverio said as he sat down in one of the chairs, making sure he was facing both of them. He seemed to slump into the chair in such a heavy manner, it almost appeared like he had the burden of the entire world on his shoulders. Like what he was about to tell them was the hardest thing he would ever come to face. His expression was firm and sincere, his blue eyes was looking both of them over before he seemed to look into nothingness. [color=6ecff6][b]"As you know, I am called Reverio Galand in the lands of Rhea. But this is not my birthname, just a name I claimed to get some solitude from the past. Yet that didn't stop that nickname from spreading. The peasant prince. I am certain both of you have heard of that one."[/b][/color] Reverio said with a soft sigh, his hands which had been turned into fists relaxed abit. [color=6ecff6][b]"Most people claim to know my story, it has passed from ear to ear, from one mouth to the other. But there are things which these tales do not speak of, as the case of betrayal. The truth which has eluded so many. And it is this truth that I shall now share with you both, and I hope you can forgive me."[/b][/color] Reverio offered a deep bow with his head towards both Chinami and Ken. [color=6ecff6][b]"The King of Vauquelin had been put in a cell, when the rebellion of my homeland got out of control. The princess to which he was engaged with had been executed, alongside many nobles, including the Duke of D'Contre. The crowd demanded blood for their suffering, the suffering that the ruling class of my homeland had been unable to qwell. This was their way of justice, their way of vengeance. Many people were taken to the execution grounds, loyal ministers, nobles, guards, messengers and children..."[/b][/color] Reverio's form seemed to grow more sad in stature as he seemed to lean forwards slightly. [color=6ecff6][b]"The knowledge of what happened is grim enough to make me feel sick. But I was there in those last moments, both in the cell and on the execution grounds when my brother paid the ultimate price. He deceived the entire kingdom, including his brother."[/b][/color] Reverio said as he pressed his lips together, taking a short pause before he continued talking, yet more gradually his story became more a memory, a vision than a tale. [color=fff200][b][i]Flashback 3/3: The final betrayal. Starring: Liger Du Main and King Marlan Maressan.[/i][/b][/color] It was with a creaking sound the door was opened, and with a slamming sound the large heavy wooden door was shut behind him. Liger du Main found himself in the very cell to his brother, the now imprisoned King. The small window of the cell was too high up for the King to see what was occuring outside of it, yet the sounds of the large crowd that had been gathered for the last couple of days made him feel like he didn't want to. Despite being in a cell and surrounded by dust, the King still managed to project an aura of radiance which only a King could. Like the ballroom had been, these cells were also reinforced to prevent any attempt to use a godly given gift. [b]"My king, it's I. Your loyal servant"[/b] The peasant prince gave a courteous bow, while the King still had his back turned towards him. [b]"They've killed her haven't they?"[/b] The King asked his brother, without even turning to look at him. Such was the grief he felt. Deep within he already knew the answer he was about to receive. [b]"Your majesty, forgive me. I was unable to save her. The young princess... is gone."[/b] Liger du Main knelt down and waited for the king to turn around to face him, which he did. [b]"It wasn't your fault. It was mine. I was the one who failed her. I was the one who failed the kingdom. And now everyone is paying for it with their lives..."[/b] The King's eyes shimmered as he moved his hand to his eyes. [b]"I will join them soon, dear brother. Thank you for all that you've done."[/b] The King said as he looked his servant brother in the eyes. It was at that point that the peasant prince took a few steps forwards, the heaviest steps of his life. [b]"Your majesty, in moments such as these, poems and rhymes can ease a heavy heart and soul."[/b] Liger du Main, the peasant prince, brother of the last king of Vauquelin said in a low manner, before he leaned in closely to embrace the King in one final hug. [b]"A poem won't remove this pain."[/b] The King said, before his lips moved to a few precious words only meant to the servant's ear, and in return the servant gave the king one last poem. Both set of eyes widened in realization of how things would come to play out. [b]"I will sin with deceit, as my fate I will meet, I will kill a king and the people will sing. My last gift, dear brother, may bring you to tear. But if I won't make my move, comes the future that I fear-" [/b]The servant sung softly to the King's ear, and then it all turned into black as the punch came forth. The world had spun around. Reverio slowly opened his eyes, his vision was blurry, he tried to stand but couldn't, he tried to see clear... but he couldn't. He tried to speak, but all that came out was silence. The King before him yelled for the guards, which quickly opened the door and grabbed Reverio's both arms. The King stood still, his face cold and stern. His voice was clear, like the coldest and cleanest of streams, his words carried like the flowing water. [b]"Take this prince of peasants, away from here. This king shall smile, when the end draws near. Live your life, free with joy, such is the prince's final ploy. Two stars shone, one must fall, thus I make the final call. Free you are to soar the sky, thus this is my last goodbye. This king here will lie, still and content, next to the princess whose life that's spent."[/b] It was with sheer perfection that the king for the first time in his life had delivered such powerful words, with such meaning behind them. It struck Reverio with just how blind he had been to his brother's brilliance, he truly was the one meant to be king. As the reality of that fact came to him, Reverio could do nothing but to scream as the guards dragged him away, before hurling him out into the rain, into the puddle of mud outside of the prison. The distant cheers of the people at the execution grounds, the sheer amount of hatred could be felt in the very wind itself. The rain itself tasted like blood. When the morning came, Reverio found himself standing in the crowd. Unable to do anything to stop what was happening. The King wasn't dragged towards the guilliotine, nor did he stagger in his walk. Not even when the rotten fruit and vegetables came flying towards him. He held his head high all the way up the wooden structure and then placed himself perfectly under the edge of the blade. Hooded and standing in the crowd was his brother, with his servant clothes, his hooded cloak pulled over his head as the early day sun shone down upon him. But they could easily see each other. Reverio felt how a tear fell down his cheek, yet the King's reply was a smile with his eyes closed. Then the blade fell. It was over. The white king had fallen. Reverio looked up at the bright sun, how had it come to this? This wasn't the ending he had envsioned. It was at that point that Reverio came back to the present, he looked up to Chinami and Ken. His eyes teary eyed. Yet in his mind, he could hear the sentences made in the past. He was once again in the room with Nightman and his chessboard. His own words repeated in his mind. [b][i]'Even if your face and skin remain the same, names are important...'[/i][/b] [b][i]'... being yourself is important, no matter what masks you may chose to wear in front of others....' [/i][/b] [i][b]'A few of the pieces here are in the wrong place though, perhaps a former game? Disarray can be a common thing after going through various experiences as I am certain you are well aware of. In every person's life.'[/b][/i] Reverio reached out with his gloved white hand, gently taking hold of one of the white bishops, which stood on the king's spot on the board, and then moved the pieces back to their original places. Reverio's lips began to twitch abit, as he formed the next line that he had been waiting to part with for the longest time. [color=6ecff6][b]"I know how the king felt back then, because..."[/b][/color] He swallowed and closed his eyes. [color=6ecff6][b]"...because I am not the peasant prince."[/b][/color] It was with a sorrowful tone Reverio said the words, yet his eyes fixed themselves to his two guests. He finally brough out what he had kept in his coat, and placed it out on the table. A chesspiece. The white king. [color=6ecff6][i]'You were the bishop who stood in my place, how shall I manage through life's wicked maze? There's no peace, there's no song. The white king is now, long since gone. Our blood may be blue, not by choice 'tis true, we share the same sky, our faces look the same, you chose to die, in the hopes I would win this game...'[/i][/color] [@Letter Bee][@Lewascan2]