[hider=James Tyler][h2][color=ff9c23]▲[/color] Superhot[/h2] [center][h3][color=ff9c23]James Alexander Tyler[/color][/h3][sup]Nickname(s): Asshole, JT, The One and Only King of Comedy[/sup] [img]https://i.imgur.com/6MhUPHw.jpg[/img] [center][color=ff9c23][h3][i]Live fast, die young, bad girls do it well[/i][/h3][/color] [color=gray][b][i]– M.I.A.[/i][/b][/color][/center] [color=ff9c23]╟[/color] March 20th (20) [color=ff9c23]||[/color] Caucasian [color=ff9c23]||[/color] Cis Male [color=ff9c23]||[/color] Atheist, Progressive [color=ff9c23]||[/color] Pansexual [color=ff9c23]||[/color] Single and Mingling [color=ff9c23]╢[/color][/center] [indent][color=ff9c23][sub][b][h3]⋙: A C A D E M I C S[/h3][/b][/sub]____________________________________________________________________[/color] [color=gray][u]A P P L I C A T I O N P R O C E S S[/u][/color] [indent][b]|| Written test || [/b] Mr. Tyler showed phenomenal prowess in the decision making section of the test, and displayed a mind more than competent enough for fieldwork. Based on his video supplement, one might not of expected such a high score, but there is apparently more here than meets the eye. If his scores on the morality questions are anything to go off of, Mr. Tyler will be a fine addition to Crystal Peak. [b]|| Practical test ||[/b] Mr. Tyler put on an excellent showing during his practical exam. Speed was obviously off the charts, but his strength and endurance were impressive as well. It's clear that despite no formal training, he has kept himself in shape, and familiar with his powers. He still has much to learn in the control department, but he is certainly up to the task. [b]|| Written essay topic ||[/b] Mr. Tyler submitted an essay about three major heroes from the last fifty years, and the influences they had over society as a whole. A surprisingly well written piece considering the in-person interactions we had with him, he demonstrated a strong grasp of the repercussions heroes have throughout society. [b]|| Video supplement ||[/b] James Tyler is sitting as still as he possibly can, which for him, involves an absurd amount of fidgeting. His foot raps out an impossibly fast rhythm against the floor [color=ff9c23]"I guess, if I had to say, I'm all about helping the little guy. Or, not the little guy, but the people who can't help themselves. My dad and my brother don't have powers, and, I don't know, I think I couldn't sleep if I didn't know that I was out there, making the world a better place for them. I mean, it's great that I can get from coast to coast faster than you can say 'Where the fuck did he go?' but it doesn't [i]mean[/i] anything unless I do something with it, right? That's who I want to be.[/color] [/indent] [color=gray][u]S C H O O L[/u][/color] [indent]Crystal Peak[/indent] [color=gray][u]Y E A R[/u][/color] [indent]Junior[/indent] [color=gray][u]C L A S S I F I C A T I O N[/u][/color] [indent]Personal/Transportation[/indent] [color=gray][u]O C C U P A T I O N[/u][/color] [indent][color=ff9c23]"My dad's are rich as fuck, why the hell would I get a job?"[/color][/indent] [color=gray][u]L I V I N G A R R A N G E M E N T[/u][/color] [indent]The Towers at Crystal Lake Commons[/indent] [color=gray][u]I N T E R N S H I P S[/u][/color] [indent]Interned with Nextwave this past summer, studying under famed speedster, Whiplash.[/indent] [color=ff9c23][sub][b][h3]⋙: R E P U T A T I O N[/h3][/b][/sub]____________________________________________________________________[/color] [indent]Lovable and loathsome all at once, James is something of an acquired taste. He's not the type to hit the books day in and day out, in fact, he might seem like he doesn't take any of this seriously at all. Still, no one can say much about his antics, considering he regularly places in the top ten portion of his class. A prankster, a man-whore, and the guy who knows where every party is. Love him or hate him, James Tyler is an essential part to the Crystal Peak experience.[/indent] [color=ff9c23][sub][h3][b]⋙: P O W E R S[/b] [sup][b]& F I G H T I N G S T Y L E[/b][/sup][/h3][/sub]____________________________________________________________________[/color] [color=gray][u]A B I L I T I E S[/u][/color] [indent]James Tyler was blessed with the gift of super speed, as well as an enhanced physiology to support the intense speeds he can reach. He's fast, like, really fast. If the sound barrier were the law, he'd be in jail, cause all he does is break it. His speed is not limited to running either. He's able to move individual parts of his body at intense speeds, allowing for rapid fire punches, kicks, and other attacks designed to inflict bodily harm.[/indent] [color=gray][u]L I M I T A T I O N S[/u][/color] [indent]James may be resistant to insanely high speeds, but aside from his super suit, very little of his equipment is. That's fine by him though. Far as he's concerned, all he needs are Righty and Lefty. While James is hell to fight one on one, he's not without his weaknesses. Anything that restricts or impairs his movement is incredibly difficult for him to overcome, as are tight spaces where he is unable to build up speed. [/indent] [color=gray][u]C O M B A T[/u][/color] [indent]Simply put, fighting James Tyler is a pain in the fucking ass. He likes to attack in waves, moving too fast to hit before launching out of seemingly thin air to land a devastating blow, and continuing the cycle. James' biggest weakness in combat however, is his ego. He often falls into traps when he underestimates his opponent, and is far too fond of proving his prowess with words in the heat of battle.[/indent] [color=ff9c23][sub][h3][b]⋙: A P P E A R A N C E[/b] [sup][b]& P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/sup][/h3][/sub]____________________________________________________________________[/color] [color=gray][u]D A I L Y L O O K S & S T Y L E [/u][/color] [list][*][b]Hair:[/b] Dark brown | Wavy | When it's long, he parts it down the middle, though most of the time it's just a shaggy, windswept mop atop his head [*][b]Eyes:[/b] Brown [*][b]Height:[/b] 5'9" [*][b]Body Type:[/b] Muscular, gymnast's frame [*][b]Clothing Style:[/b] Streetwear | [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/95/69/44/95694463fc5c79d141615b91f5bd8ca0.jpg]1[/url] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ce/81/6d/ce816db3cce1a7609afd96dd5359c9e2.jpg]2[/url] [url=https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/pick-indexcomp-1585078531.png]3[/url] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/474x/c8/62/5c/c8625c115a905eaa60871c45cfc4a122.jpg]4[/url] [*][b]Scars, Tattoos and/or Piercings:[/b] Scar along his right side from when he wiped out going Mach 2. Resistant is not the same as invincible.[/list] [color=gray][u]S U P E L O O K S & S T Y L E [/u][/color] [indent]Skintight body suit made of specially designed kevlar, with pieces of body armor attached to the shoulders, chest, and knees. His mask is simply a pair of goggles, designed to transmit his view back to HQ and provide visual markers in a field operation. Goggles are also designed to track speed and trajectory, not just his own, but also those of his enemies as well. [/indent] [color=gray][u]P E R S O N A L I T Y T R A I T S [/u][/color] [indent]James is the best (or worst, depending on who you're asking) parts of his father's combined. Witty and resourceful like Jamie, but brave and outspoken like AJ, needless to say, he was a menace growing up. James is happiest when everyone around him is laughing, giving him a bit of a reputation as the class clown. He's high energy, in every sense of the term. Of course, as far as flaws go, James is full of them. He's impulsive, and arrogant, and all too often he seems to forget that he is not the center of the universe. He's lovable though, and much too fast to smack across the head anyways. [/indent] [color=gray][u]F E A R S[/u][/color] [indent]Responsibility. Ugh. [/indent] [color=ff9c23][sub][h3][b]⋙: F A M I L Y[/b] [sup][b]& R E L A T I O N S H I P S[/b][/sup][/h3][/sub]____________________________________________________________________[/color] [color=gray][u]L O V E D O N E S [/u][/color] [b]D I R E C T F A M I L Y[/b] [indent]Jamie Tyler (nee Callaghan) - Father; Polished and put together, Jamie is the Hero editor at the LA Times, focusing on the exploits of the countries most famous and beloved heroes. AJ Tyler - Father; Owns his own autoshop line and gets involved with some more unsavory clientele on the side. AJ is the heart of the Tyler family in a lot of ways, and James' role model. Gifted with accelerated perception and reflexes, and enhanced healing. Don't challenge him to a drag race. Nathan William Tyler - Older Brother; Two years older than Nathan, and unpowered. He's spent most of his life harboring a decent bit of jealousy towards his brothers, but he's a good kid at heart. Currently in talks to take over the Tyler family business one day. Cole Phillip Tyler - Younger Brother; He'd be a genius, if he just applied himself. A botanokinetic who spends more time growing weed in his room than training for heroics. Too smart for his own good, currently working on giving Jamie a heart attack.[/indent] Katie Callaghan - Aunt; Jamie's sister and a famous actress, best known for her recent work in [i]Brilliant: The Shining Spector Story[/i] Molly Tyler - Aunt; Marine biologist, based out of Monterey. She watched the boys a lot when they were kids, and James has always enjoyed running up to Monterey to spend time with her. Haylee Summerfield-Tyler - Grandmother; AJ's mother and an actress with an illustrious career behind her. Dominic Tyler - Grandfather; AJ's father, retired from the family business, but always good for a beer, when James just wants to talk. [color=ff9c23][sub][h3][b]⋙: H I S T O R Y[/b][/h3][/sub]____________________________________________________________________[/color] [color=gray][u]Y O U R L I F E S O F A R[/u][/color] [indent]Jamie Callaghan and AJ Tyler weren't met to be the first time they met. Or the second. The third try though, well, that was something. Jamie was home from college, recently graduated, and AJ was doing his best to move past the cycle of addiction that had been plaguing him for years. The result? A risky rekindling, that grew and grew until there was no way they could run from it anymore. They were married by twenty four, and had their first son, Nathan, by twenty six. Jamie and AJ Tyler weren't expecting Gifted children. Sure, AJ had some powers, but nothing groundbreaking. Nathan had been perfectly mundane, normal in the most perfect sense of the word. James on the other hand, started manifesting his powers shortly after his second birthday. Ever met a toddler with super speed? It stops being cute very quickly. Jamie wrote about heroes for a living, but he'd never expected to have one living under his roof. He tried his best with James, but try as he might, Jamie was never good at letting go of control. AJ on the other hand, he knew what it was like to want to go faster, faster, faster. James grew up trying to emulate AJ. He developed a love of fast cars, a stubbornness that drove both his dads insane, and an inclination towards caring way more than he should. James never got the training of a hero, hell, he hardly has the attitude. But god damn it, he has the heart for it, and that much was obvious to anyone who encountered him on his way to adulthood. Crystal Peak was always the goal. He'd been worried about acceptance, not that he'd ever admit that to anybody, but his Aunt Katie called in a few favors and made sure they took an extra hard look at his application. Hey, he's never claimed to be against nepotism, so don't come bitching to him about it. His acceptance was a milestone for the family, who'd yet to experience having an honest to god Hero among them. Even now, that day the letter came is one of his happiest. James took to Crystal Peak like a duck to water. In Beverly Hills, he wasn't the only kid with powers, but he was one of the few who cared to actually do something with them. Sure, he didn't take it as seriously as some of the others, but hell, half of them were from families that lived and breathed this hero stuff. Simply put, James Tyler is so fast, he had time for everything. [/indent] [color=ff9c23][sub][h3][b]⋙:A N Y T H I N G E L S E [/b][/h3][/sub]____________________________________________________________________[/color] [indent]Tom Holland, #ff9c23 Bassist with East of Eden, spends most of his free time working out or eating, with very little in between. [/indent] [/indent][/hider]