I have almost finished playing "Haiku, The Robot". (Easy Hollow Knight. As it's described.) And man, I've been waiting for something like this to come out of the metroidvania space for a while now. I adore its art design, the world connectivity, how it got movement right, the gimmicks that make it stand out, the character interactions and little lore spaces. (Honestly, it only needs a [s]much[/s] better soundtrack to make everything else 'pop'.) However, the biggest objective flaw with the game, is how a majority of these enemies pose no threat to you whatsoever. To the point where you feel kind of sorry for destroying them. [i]Some even seem broken. Like the Jellyfish enemies that shoot no-damage lightning sparks at you.[/i] (And a lot of people also say that all the bosses are too easy. And sure, compared to Hollow Knight and its contemporaries, they're all fairly exploitable.) But I think most of the bosses are balanced fine. Due to how slow the healing system is. Except the final [s]but not really[/s] boss that I'm on right now. And how it seems borderline unfair, with how random and unpredictable his movements seem to be throughout his various phases. But I'll keep at it. (After all, I gave Ender Lilies far much more of my time. And yet, I've enjoyed my overall experience with this game, for much longer.) So I'm glad I got this one. [i]Edit: Finished everything despite the game claiming otherwise. And yes, that boss was still pure nonsense.[/i]