[@BrokenPromise] First of all, I would like to state that if this character sheet would have been submitted without prior knowledge on my part about the character, it would have definitely been rejected for various reasons, even without the additions granted by claimed magical coins. However, you've done a lot of work to establish how this character would behave and utilize her skillset in the setting itself. A fate-correcting agent who so far has worked unseen so as to not alter the future is a novel concept, especially because it successfully utilizes the established story to give both direction and conflict to her, and tie her up with the current storyline without major inconsistencies. There are some changes I would like to see to her abilities. First off, while it is understandable that the Fates would have given her Illusion magic powerful enough to avoid attention even from Third Eye-users and other Patrons, it is no longer the case now that she has joined the Crimson Cradle, so the aforementioned methods should be added among other advanced methods to spotting her. Otherwise she can keep the long-duration non-interruptible Greater Invisibility magic to comply with her Gifted status. This probably goes without saying and you have implied as much, but for clarity's sake, replicating the appearance of attacks using Gifted Gravity magic should only be possible for attacks that don't derive from a unique or difficult-to-replicate source of damage. For example, she couldn't replicate the slash of a fire sword, or a blow that leaves shards of crystal in it's wake. Illusion magic can be used to temporarily fool in this aspect, but only for a short while. While Coercion is allowed to be empowered in situations where Power of Friendship can be applied, and is capable of being resisted by higher MAG-users than the user, I would like it to also be capable of it being resisted with characters that possess higher LCK than the user to comply with the ruling. In the same vein, activating Parasite in combat should be changed to require the character to spend a turn on feeding, replacing the character's regular melee attacks to bite the target with a two-turn cooldown. The spool Mystic Artifact should be specified to be capable of only revealing characters' futures with visions as agreed with the GMs depending on where and how it is used. On a side note, Mac reminds me of Wolfwalkers, which is a cool movie.