[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/8JSMqvi.png[/img][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjk2LjAwMDAwMC5SM0pwYlEsLC4w/vanemnoncommercial.regular.webp[/img][/center] Admittedly, this wasn’t how Grim expected to spend most of his night. Meeting Wraith or the other two masked animal lovers was a slim possibility considering what he was investigating, but he also certainly wasn’t expecting to be following Wraith around back to his apartment after only the second time meeting him. Zoey’s parents would be aghast. Still, keeping occupied kept Grim’s mind off what happened earlier. Sort of. That scene would be burned into his mind like so many other horrific scenes he’s seen over the years, but for now having something to mull over was a welcome distraction that also allowed him to keep an eye on Wraith. The man went through something no one should and was obviously experiencing some kind of break - a mental break or a breakthrough was still yet to be seen. “Mother fucker,” Grim cursed under his breath as he finally managed to peel the glove off his palm - or more accurately, peel the skin of his palm away with the glove. The leather material had melted and fused with skin from being pressed to the kiln, and unlike Wraith the shadowmancer had no healing powers. Or … magical regrowing fabric. So on the journey back to the man’s apartment (where they [i]walked[/i] for some reason when he had perfectly good portals) Grim had summoned one of the drones and opened the first aid kit inside. He had cut around the ruined portion of palm and had just managed to peel the last of it off, keeping the fabric around his fingers despite how awkward it was in order to cover the painted nails. Next, to disinfect, burn cream… By the time they turned down the right street, Grim was pinning the gauze in place wrapped around his hand. It wasn’t a perfect job by any means, but it should help for now. Part of him was tempted to try and get Wraith to settle down. He’s had a hell of a night. At the same time, Zoey knew what it was like to come to an Earth Shattering realization and have to follow it through. For that reason Grim held his tongue, even as they ventured through one of the shittier Chicago neighborhoods, the people around scattering like rats at the sight of them. From there it was a short jaunt to an even shittier apartment. “You have a coffee machine?” Christ, they could both use it if he did. Bonus, he wouldn’t have to listen to Wraith talk about being commando again.